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[Complete] Reporting Crime Is What I Do Best [Doctors, Constabulary, and Court]

205 Posts
4 Threads

Age: 20
Occupation: Reporter for the Whitby Gazette
Registered: Feb 2020

Oh great! He was getting to see the big guy himself. He was burning with questions, but sadly, it would have to wait. Gareth was being a responsible person today. Dreadfully dull.

"Gareth Scott, from the Whitby Gazette, sergeant, but that is not what I'm here for today." As he thought of it, perhaps he shouldn't have mentioned it at all. It wasn't as though his articles about the Whitby police had been flattering so far. He tapped his fingers on the desk nervously as he continued:

"But I received an alarming testimony while researching a case. You see? I was investigating Miss Pearl Carrington's elopement with Mr. Blacke - you can read all about it in the last Gazette," nothing wrong with a bit of advertisement while reporting a crime, "- when one of my sources from Oswy street told me they saw Miss Pearl being pulled into a carriage by force and taken away. The witness could have sworn it was a Carrington carriage. It has probably been reported already... My eyes and ears in the Carrington household tell me Miss Pearl is not there. But given the family's record, and the recent incident with Mrs. Carrington..." Yes, Gareth had already caught a whiff of Mrs. Carrington's report against her husband. "Well, I'm rather concerned for Miss Pearl, I mean Mrs. Blacke, properly."

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RE: Reporting Crime Is What I Do Best - by Gareth Scott - 12-31-2022, 10:45 AM

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