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[Complete] Just a Wee Look [Market, Shops, and Spas]
Junior Member

5 Posts
1 Thread

Age: 26
Occupation: Mother/Part-time clerk
Alias: BlackAck
Registered: Jul 2022

Mary felt that her arm was to be wrenched from its socket by the incessant tugging of her daughter. Was it possible to leash children like dogs? 

"Iona, stop yer pullin' noew!" Mary barked. The girl lurched to a stop on the pavement and stared up at her mother with round eyes, blinking quickly. Mary had never been able to resist that look for long and her frustration faded. Ah, the joys of motherhood.  Like an adorable, fat little English robin, little Miss Prior hopped over to the nearest shop window, pressing her hands and nose to the glass.  A jeweller's. Some of the wares glistened in cases or pillows.  Forget robin, Mary thought, was her daughter part magpie?

Whitby had been good to Mary, the fresh salt air had done wonders for her lungs and her temperament. Iona too had flourished. Mary's little haggis had laughed and giggled more now than when Mary herself could remember. The girl had been fearless introducing herself to children and jumping feet first into their imaginary adventures. Alas though, funds were running low meaning a return to the thick Scottish mist soon.  Still, a few minutes browsing in a shop was a distraction that was free.

"Alright, ye wee boggle, we can go in fer a wee look, but down't touch anythin', speak only wen spoken too." a blink and a grin. "Noew, fold yer 'ands, young lady," the older Miss Prior commanded.  Tiny hands were duly folded "Thank ye."

Mary placed one palm on her daughter's back and opened the door with the shop with the other.

Messages In This Thread
Just a Wee Look [Market, Shops, and Spas] - by Mary Prior - 10-01-2022, 01:24 PM
RE: Just a Wee Look - by Bess St. Clair - 10-31-2022, 03:47 PM
RE: Just a Wee Look - by Mary Prior - 10-31-2022, 04:12 PM
RE: Just a Wee Look - by Bess St. Clair - 05-01-2023, 06:48 PM
RE: Just a Wee Look - by Mary Prior - 05-11-2023, 03:33 PM

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