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[Complete] Sometimes Dreams Do Come True [Churches, Abbey, and Schools]
'the little pirate'

78 Posts
2 Threads

Age: 14
Occupation: Pupil teacher
Height: 5'1''
Registered: Apr 2021

"Oh," she said quietly, when he explained about the potential new job. She was a little disappointed at first that that sounded like he would not be living at home. Sure, he was a grown man now, but she had been robbed of his presence for so long, it felt like it was unfair that he'd have to go again.

But then he began to talk about how things had been in the past, and she realized it was probably best this way. He'd be close enough to visit, but not to close to... Had dad seen him already? Did he know John was home? Did he... Did he accept him back? Oh she remembered the fights. How her father would shout the worst things at him and threaten him, and her mother threatened her father in turn. How very very angry her father had been whenever the police showed up at their door. How the entire house seemed dark and hushed under his brooding when John had been summoned to appear before the Magistrate.

No, close but not too close was probably the best solution for everyone. John said he was a different man now, and she had always loved him, regardless of her disappointment in him whenever he made dad explode and the go to the pub and mam shout and then cry quietly in the kitchen where she thought her children wouldn't hear or see. She had loved John all through it. But she'd have to see whether he really was a better man now, and she'd have to see how her father would handle his return. Her fingers turned pale as they gripped her books tighter. What if dad didn't want to see him?

"It's alright, John. The most important thing is that yer sorry and ye intend to do better," she tried kindly. Oh and she'd be telling him off the moment he put a toe out of line. In fact: "Ye don't mean to be drinkin' alcohol, do ye?"

But maybe if they went, he'd buy her a gingerbeer.

Ok, she'd tell him off if it was a whole foot out of line.

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RE: Sometimes Dreams Do Come True - by Kate Blacke - 07-14-2022, 05:43 PM

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