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Mired in Meijers
Diamond Pony Owner

728 Posts
22 Threads

Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 27 (6/6/1869)
Occupation: Barrister
Plotter: [Here]
Height: 5'6"
Registered: Jul 2019


In June 1895, Zechariah through some stroke of luck managed to hire help that is:
  • Not a Ward
  • Not a redhead
  • Nobody who shares the last name of someone he despises (unless hiring them would embarrass that family)
  • Actually doing the work
How these characters manage to get the work done is up to you. What their backgrounds are – also up to you. Have they suffered from scandal? Zechariah would have still hired them so long as the work itself was good.

Positions include:
  • Cook: Must keep a kosher kitchen and have some actual cooking skills; expertise in serving drinks a plus.
    Maid: As long as she cleans, she can be any age; pre-existing family and children would not have her turned away. While more likely to hire a woman for the role, he would also consider a neat freak man.
    Butler: Occupied by a … pirate? Anyway, he’s a butler now.
    Valet: Earns every damned shilling with Zechariah’s neuroticisms.
    Footman: Will be exceptionally skilled at making up excuses for why Zechariah cannot come to the door right now.
    Laundrymaid: In addition to her actual work, highly skilled at fielding complaints from Zechariah over his clothes, most nonsense, in an overly tactful manner.

As a Jewish man, Zechariah is more likely to accept oddballs and misfits than the average household. Those under his employ can expect to get dragged into strange feuds, be protected from some of their own strange feuds, and generally being mixed up in disaster according to the player’s preferences/interests.

Messages In This Thread
Mired in Meijers - by Zechariah Meijer - 08-08-2019, 02:22 AM
RE: Mired in Meijers - by Zechariah Meijer - 07-12-2022, 05:53 PM

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