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[Complete] Blessings in the Most Expected of Places [Churches, Abbey, and Schools]
Hopeless Romantic

11 Posts
1 Thread

Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 30
Occupation: Stay-at-Home Daughter
Height: 5'2"
Alias: tomato
Registered: Jun 2022

Jin's gaze was heavy all across Amelia and she hated it.  As hot as it was, she was glad for all the layers of her clothes, though it felt like they did nothing under the other's keen gaze.

But then she continued speaking, and now Amelia felt bad.  Because if she had just said from the beginning that she looked so much like Father Brennan, it would have been much more useful to Jin than beating around the bush, politeness be darned!

"There are many churches," she agreed, "but your brother, is he - he's your blood brother, right?  I'm not sure how likely it is to be Father Brennan, but there's a chance.  He looks..."  Amelia motioned to her face and hair.  "He looks very much like you!  With the - eyes.  The color, I mean!  Father Brennan's eyes are very dark."

There was not much besides that Amelia could say was similar about them.  Father Brennan was tall, and while Jin was not short, she wasn't massive like the priest was.  Where the Father was gentle and quiet and kind, Jin was harsh and loud and took up space.
Where Father Brennan's presence brought a calmness to Amelia, Jin's set a fire beneath her skin.

"Oh, it's a shame he's not in Whitby, otherwise I'd take him to you right away!  How did you two get separated?  I can't imagine being away from my brothers.  Has it been long since you last saw him?"

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RE: Blessings in the Most Expected of Places - by Amelia Adams - 07-07-2022, 03:04 AM

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