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[Complete] Blessings in the Most Expected of Places [Churches, Abbey, and Schools]

11 Posts
0 Threads
Registered: Jul 2022

Catholic! Goddamn it.

There was an irritated click of her tongue against the back of her teeth as she cast another glance to the church. It was always those prideful Catholics taking everything over. Seoyun looked back down at the woman a few moments later, eyeing the unoccupied space beside her.

She didn’t want to sit, nor did she want to hear a bunch of nonsense about St. Hilda’s priests that was not oh, one of them looks like you or something of that nature.

Begrudgingly, Seoyun took a few steps closer and sat down, hands shoved into her pockets. She leaned forward, legs spread wide at the knees, and watched the comings and goings of the church steps while the woman spoke.

“Adams,” she said distractedly. Seoyun fixed a suspicious look on this Amelia Adams and said, “yes, you could say that. Jin Seoyun.”

No care was given for whether the lady caught her name or not, let alone the pronunciation of it.

“The priests – how young? Younger than you? Are they around right now?”

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RE: Blessings in the Most Expected of Places - by Jin Seoyun - 07-06-2022, 11:18 PM

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