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[Complete] Blessings in the Most Expected of Places [Churches, Abbey, and Schools]
Hopeless Romantic

11 Posts
1 Thread

Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 30
Occupation: Stay-at-Home Daughter
Height: 5'2"
Alias: tomato
Registered: Jun 2022

[CW for some period-typical ignorance on the terminology for other races.]

The woman approaching Amelia got the same treatment as any other stranger - a smile and a polite nod, the smallest tilts of head when she realized she was heading towards her - but in addition to that, Amelia couldn't help looking her up and down a few times in... astonishment?  Bewilderment?  Disgust?

No, no, definitely not that lattermost of the three.  There was nothing disgusting about this woman at all!  She was just.  Unique, in her trousers and open shirt and the way she walked more like a sailor than any woman she'd ever seen before.

Heat, or maybe the layers and layers of clothes must have been getting to Amelia, as she felt her face grow hot.

"Pardon?"  A better question might have been, how are you doing today?  Or even, what isn't there to smile about on such a lovely day?  But Amelia allowed the woman a moment to collect herself rather than expressing this.

"St. Hilda's, you mean?  Yes, it's mine.  Or rather, it's where I attend.  Are you..."  Amelia nearly asked if she was looking for someone.  This woman looked so much like the new priest at St. Hilda's, Father Brennan, but she'd recently learned that saying things like that could be offensive to exotic races.  The last thing Amelia wanted to do was insult this woman, even if she wasn't the most lady-like.

"Are you interested in attending yourself?  Mass was this morning, but I'm sure one of the priests would be happy to see you regardless."

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RE: Blessings in the Most Expected of Places - by Amelia Adams - 07-06-2022, 04:28 PM

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