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[Complete] Blessings in the Most Expected of Places [Churches, Abbey, and Schools]

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Registered: Jul 2022

That woman was sitting all by herself and smiling like some sort of loon.

From an adjacent street Seoyun stared at her, squinting through a habitual frown. There was no one even talking to that lady, and the chances of something entertaining going on over there seemed terribly low.

And what was she wearing? By god, she was dressed for a funeral! Practically everyone she’d met in this silly little fish town were about the same, covering themselves like they had anything of interest to hide. The men were plain pathetic and the women weren’t much better, and all for the sake of… what did they call it?


Well, Seoyun didn’t like it one bit. With a casual strut, she crossed the street and followed the path to the lonely loon’s bench.

It wasn’t that Seoyun herself didn’t cover up, but she’d be damned if she let anyone stuff her in so many layers and skirts. She felt like a right prostitute as she approached, what with her ankles and wrists and, god forbid, a few inches of skin below her neck showing too, where she’d not bothered buttoning up her shirt.

Come to think of it, she’d not seen many women in trousers like hers, either.

“What’re you smiling about?”

Not the friendliest greeting. Seoyun squinted down at her and then raised her chin, rethinking her approach. She pointed to the building nearby.

“I mean, is that your church? That one there?”

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RE: Blessings in the Most Expected of Places - by Jin Seoyun - 07-06-2022, 05:52 AM

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