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Face Claims

141 Posts
28 Threads

Pronouns: He/Him
Occupation: Thread Bomber & Admin
Registered: Jun 2019

The list will be updated when claims hit Page 2. If someone has staked the claim you want, be it added to the list or as a post below, please speak to them first. Thank you.

Here at By Wit and Whitby we do not have compulsory face claims for characters. You are welcome to use mood boards, drawings and anything else your heart desires - as long as you have permission from the artist. Please keep images safe for work.

If you choose to use a public figure to illustrate your character (face-by, play-be, etc.) please fill in the following code and post it in this thread, so that it can be added to the list below.

These claims are not restricting anyone else from using that person - we just ask that if you see a FB below you wish to use, nicely talk about it with the owner of the character in which it is already being used before using them.
[align=center][size=small][font=Comic Sans MS]Faceclaim's Lastname, Firstname - [url=member profile here]Character's Firstname Lastname[/url][/font][/size][/align]

~ Text by the wonderful Dropbear, reposted after Jack botched the thread and it got botched again, probably via the Delete function being used instead of the far more convoluted two-tabbed "Move Posts" functions that keeps pages and posts from haunting forevermore.

Messages In This Thread
Face Claims - by Somniac - 06-30-2022, 09:16 AM
RE: Face Claims - by Somniac - 06-30-2022, 09:17 AM

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