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Selene's Selection
Junior Member

1 Post
1 Thread
Registered: May 2022

Bess St. Clair
35 | jewelry store owner and designer| practical, creative, reliable

Bess is the eldest of the Appleton siblings and has been married to the owner of St. Clair’s jewelers for twelve years. They have two young sons and they are also raising her husband’s niece. She has two stepdaughters from her husband’s first marriage. The jewelry business is booming and she and her family have recently moved from Castleton to Whitby where they live in a large house by the seashore.


Bess is outgoing and loves to socialize. She would have quite a few friends. They could visit each other for tea, go shopping together, take their children on outings, discuss the latest books, and do many other things. She is friendly to everyone who visits her jewelry store too.


Bess has no enemies that she knows of, other than the thieves who steal from her store.


She is happily married and plans to stay that way.
Stephanie St. Clair
14 | student | sweet, mischievous, outspoken

Stephanie is Bess’ niece (the daughter of her husband’s brother). Her mother was an heiress and she grew up in luxurious surroundings. When her parents died in an accident, her aunt (her mother’s sister) took her in, but all she wanted was Stephanie’s inheritance. When she couldn’t get her hands on it, she mistreated the girl and made her work for long hours doing menial jobs. Stephanie ran away and three years later, was found by her uncle acting in a London theatre. He took her in and now she lives with them, though she longs to return to the stage.


Stephanie is new to town and doesn’t know many other children yet. They may think she’s strange at first because she has the voice and poise of a toff, but she’s actually quite down to earth. She loves the beach and likes to collect shells and build sandcastles. She also enjoys exploring and getting into mischief


She has no enemies at the present time, but she might make a few. Some kids might think she’s snobby because she’s well-dressed. She says what she thinks and stands up for herself when she is ridiculed.


Stephanie might crush on a boy she likes, but it will go no far than staring at him from afar with puppy-dog eyes.

Emilios Katsaros
27 | lawyer and grieving widower | generous, honorable, reserved

Emilios was once a happy man. He lived in luxury, was a successful London lawyer, had a beautiful wife he loved with all his heart, and two adorable children. An avid art collector, he is also a patron of up-and-coming artists. When his wife passed away, he became surly and depressed. Because everything in London reminded him of his beloved Angelina, he moved to his family’s vacation house, a palatial mansion overlooking the sea. He is now trying to rebuild his life and learn to live without her.


Emilios is need of friends more than anything else. He’s a bit of a cold fish at the moment, but his demeanor could improve in the right company. He likes lively debates, games of skill, and participating in sporting events. Emilios is generous and always willing to lend a helping hand … or a handful of money … to those in need.


A wealthy person of color is going to have enemies just because he exists, but other than those narrow-minded individuals, most people have no problem with him.


Emilios lost his wife nearly a year ago and he has been drowning in sorrow ever since. Perhaps one day he will be able to open his heart to somebody else, but he is not ready for that yet.

Athanasia Katsaros
18 | Socialite | vivacious, adventurous, spoiled

Athanasia (pronounced Ah-thah-nah-SEE-uh) is Emilios’ younger sister. She was given everything her heart desired, and became a bit spoiled. A natural polyglot, she speaks several languages and picks up new ones quickly. She is also a fantastic singer. In London, she often posed for artists who were inspired by her dark beauty.


Athanasia is amiable and charming, the kind of person who will just walk up to somebody and strike up a conversation. Most of her friends would likely be other girls from wealthy families who are interested in things like clothes, boys, and shoes.


Most of her enemies would be similar to her brother’s.


Athanasia is quite flirtatious and likes to dance with handsome young men at parties and balls. She hopes to find the love of her life someday, though she is not ready to settle down at such a young age.


Messages In This Thread
Selene's Selection - by Selene - 05-28-2022, 06:55 PM
RE: Selene's Selection - by tomato^2 - 05-28-2022, 10:15 PM
RE: Selene's Selection - by Somniac - 05-28-2022, 10:39 PM
RE: Selene's Selection - by GreatTallywhacker - 05-29-2022, 04:10 AM
RE: Selene's Selection - by Jack - 05-29-2022, 02:22 PM

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