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[Complete] [CW] In Desperate Need of Advice [Streets, Yards, and Homes]

57 Posts
2 Threads

Age: 48
Height: 5'4''
Registered: May 2021

Mrs. Carrington rose when Zech entered. "Mr. Meijer, so kind of you to come at such a short notice." Her voice was quiet, hushed almost, as if she was afraid to be heard. She held out her right hand - her right arm was unharmed - to give him a very weak handshake. She nodded at an upholstered chair beside her own. "Please, have a seat." A small table separated the two chairs.

There was a pot of tea and two cups on the table. Mrs. Carrington took her own seat and took the pot to him a cup with her good arm. "I must apologize for the absence of servants to wait on us. The matter is very..." her voice cracked a little and her hand trembled. Some of the tea shot over the cup, hitting the saucer. "Oh!" She put the pot down quickly - the cups rattled in their saucers - and brought her hand up to cover her eyes. "I'm so sorry. I..." She was quiet for a few seconds, while she pressed the hand over her eyes and seemed to struggle to regain herself. Then she lowered her hand, but her face did not look any less distraught than it hand a moment ago, when she had spilt the tea. "I'm a little shaken. I'll take that one."

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RE: In Desperate Need of Advice - by Anne Carrington - 05-28-2022, 06:50 PM

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