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[Complete] [CW] Second thoughts? Not this time. [Streets, Yards, and Homes]
Senior Member

340 Posts
20 Threads

Pronouns: She, her
Age: 19?
Occupation: Courtesan
Height: 5'11"
Registered: Aug 2019

Her gaze softened. She wasn't sure what to think about this man now. With a thoughtful frown, she murmured, "To tell you the truth, Signore, I do not know how I will be as a mother to children who aren't at fault for the sins of their father, yet I am frightened they will turn into him and therefor that would make me a bad mother. I do not wish for them to be defined by him, or them to carry on with his sordid legacy. I..."

She watched him gaze at the documents and watched his expression to see what he thought about those numbers. When he said nothing about the correctly placed decimal point, she lifted her chin a little and murmured, "I spent a week going over those books to make sure nothing illegal was involved. It's all legit... legit...a...mate? That is the word, si? His ledgers for other business dealings are at the Carrington house I presume, or in a vault. I am not welcome there for obvious reasons. Although if I had a superb lawyer that could sort this business out for me, he would be paid handsomely and not have to father children that belong to another man."

Sonia paused, making no move to take the documentation just yet. Then she continued, "I am tired, Signore, I do not wish to work on my back anymore to find out the things that I need to know. I am beginning to think that perhaps it is a moot point to try and find out who my family is or who I really am. I do not wish to be a whore... I wish to be free from the gilded cage that is being a courtesan. But I also don't wish to be wife to someone who never wanted me."

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RE: Second thoughts? Not this time. - by Sonia DeAngelis - 05-20-2022, 08:40 PM

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