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[Complete] [CW] Second thoughts? Not this time. [Streets, Yards, and Homes]
Senior Member

340 Posts
20 Threads

Pronouns: She, her
Age: 19?
Occupation: Courtesan
Height: 5'11"
Registered: Aug 2019

It had been a rough time for Sonia with the news that there were two heartbeats heard by the doctor during her examination. Dr. Witaker, the man who's wife was murdered by her husband, was kind enough to treat her knowing who she was, and he advised her to rest... but she could not rest until she ended the farce between Zecheriah Meijer and herself had ended. She could not bring herself to marry a man who she didn't want. Not again.

There would be no marriage between them if she could help it. She imagined that he would be relieved to be rid of her. Unbeknownst to her, he had been speaking to people about her. She was unaware that she was facing trouble head on when crossing paths with Zech.

Sonia approached the back door of his home, the hood of her silk cloak hiding her face from view of anyone who might be in the vicinity. To any onlooker, it might seem like some clandestine meeting in the works, a fallen woman on the path to meeting a client. It may as well have seemed that way anyhow, she thought as she rapped upon the back door.

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Second thoughts? Not this time. [Streets, Yards, and Homes] - by Sonia DeAngelis - 04-18-2022, 02:38 PM

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