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Fisherman husband wanted
Junior Member

31 Posts
2 Threads

Age: 21
Occupation: Fisherman's wife
Registered: Oct 2019

Hi, I'm looking for someone to play Maggie's husband. Maggie is a fisherman's wife and currently the eldest of the Ward children (Wards played by me). He's pretty open for interpretation, but I would like to discuss the description beforehand so we're on the same page. The only established facts are down below, and in relation to Maggie, what's in her profile.

Name: James Colley (You can change the first name if you prefer)

Age: Anywhere between 24 and 30

Occupation: Fisherman. Doesn't earn well/irregular source of income, so they're quite poor

Origins: Whitby (or another nearby fishing town, having moved to Whitby before he started courting Maggie)

Family: Family of origin is a fisher family. The rest is up to you. Married to Maggie, 2 young children (see Maggie's profile)

Appearance/Face claim: Up to you

* Maggie is not very happy in her marriage. She feels taken for granted. Might be because James does take her for granted. Might be because he's just not aware she feels that way. Might be both.
* Might not be very happy with his marriage or way of life either.
* James might be drinking more than he should, and clash with Maggie over that. Would also clash with his father-in-law who is against drinkingĀ and who loves telling other people how they should live their lives.
* Surprise me

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Fisherman husband wanted - by Maggie Colley - 07-31-2021, 11:38 AM

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