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Somniac's Thread Tracker

141 Posts
28 Threads

Pronouns: He/Him
Occupation: Thread Bomber & Admin
Registered: Jun 2019

This thread is for me to make my to-do list more doable and for curious eyes to more easily take a look at any plots I am or have been involved in. For getting in contact with me about my characters, try hitting me up on this thread or PM/DM.

[Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png]

Ongoing Threads
Open Threads
  1. Box #27 to Amelia Mason

Completed Threads
  1. The Open Air Concert as Christopher Hurley with Simon Ward & Zechariah Meijer
  2. You Here... as Christopher Hurley with Simon Ward & Zechariah Meijer
  3. Bring on the Men as An Obnoxious Hooded Crow with Simon Ward & Zechariah Meijer
  4. Fishing For … with Simon Ward & an obnoxious hooded crow
  5. Everyday Handyman as The Butler with Claude Longbottom
  6. The Incident as The Full-Moon Rider with Pearl Carrington & Steve Kelly
  7. Hope You Can Swim as The Captain and a cast of Comically Unsympathetic Sailors with Bill Green
  8. Showdown as The Butler with Zechariah Meijer, Uriel Meijer & Kitty Calamity
  9. Baggage Claim with Nesah Meijer
  10. The Wedding with the Wards, Officer Crane, the Gardeniers, others.
  11. Box #14 as many
  12. Two Little Maids as a Trumpeting Noah Look-Alike, with Ellie Russell and Anne Ward
  13. Box #12 as an aspiring black widow, R. S., and Swordfish, to Elijah Crane
  14. Red Alert! with Elijah Crane, a surly door guard, and a woman of refinement

Retired Threads
  1. Going Coastal as The Butler with Penina Humphries and Zechariah Meijer
  2. I Solemnly Swear I’m up to No Good as The Butler & The Behemoth Sex Worker he hired, with Menachem Meijer, Rose Ward,  Claude Longbottom, Nesah Meijer, & Zechariah Meijer
  3. Kneel as a bumbling dentist with Gabriel Richards, Elijah Crane, and Tristan Wells

[Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png]

Messages In This Thread
Somniac's Thread Tracker - by Somniac - 08-23-2019, 02:02 PM
RE: Somniac's Thread Tracker - by Aslan Koç - 08-23-2019, 05:03 PM
RE: Somniac's Thread Tracker - by Ropati Fa'afili - 01-30-2020, 10:31 AM
RE: Somniac's Thread Tracker - by Loretta Ward - 01-24-2022, 07:09 AM

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