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[Complete] [CW] Running out of time

3,154 Posts
26 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Elijah glanced over as he was making oatmeal and pouring out some tea. "Keep that stirred for me? You can add seasoning too, if you like." He gestured to the meager samples he had in his cabinet.

768 Posts
59 Threads
Registered: Jun 2019

Simon walked over and started stirring. They never seasoned their oatmeal and so he just kept stirring. "Are you working today?"

3,154 Posts
26 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Elijah looked over. "Yes, I work almost every day unless I can't. Why?" He placed their cups.at the small table and dug out some bowls for the oatmeal.

768 Posts
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Registered: Jun 2019

"No reason, just asking. I'll go to the station to buy a ticket, and post a letter today. Could you do me a favour? If you see Rose on the quay or the beach, would you mind asking her to come over. I'd prefer to avoid those areas..." And the person he might run into.

3,154 Posts
26 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

"Of course" Elijah replied without a thought. "I don't mind, if I see her. " He spooned the oatmeal into their bowls and then put them down and sat.

"If you  need anything else before you leave, don't hesitate." It was still hard to imagine Simon was leaving just after he returned home. He looked down  at his breakfast and hesitated to take a bite.

768 Posts
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Registered: Jun 2019

"Thanks." he said. He sat down and started eating, but looked up when Elijah seemed bothered by something. "Are you alright, Elijah? I'm sorry to have dragged you into all of this..."

3,154 Posts
26 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

"Oh, no it.. it isn't that. I was just thinking how I'm going to miss you when you're gone. " He smiled warmly and returned eating. "I hadn't returned long and had so much to adjust to and you're leaving. But I don't want you to stay and be miserable..."

768 Posts
59 Threads
Registered: Jun 2019

Simon gave him a sad smile. When Elijah had left, he had been a teenager, and life had been so much different. Tom and mother had still been alive, and though he had struggled with feelings he couldn't understand and it had already made him feel isolated back then, life had been so much happier. When Elijah had returned, everything had been different. "I guess I'm glad you weren't there to see everything go down... Don't worry, Elijah. You can come visit me, and I will definitely come visit you and the others often, once I'm settled there and things here have calmed down. It's not like I'm leaving for America or som't."

3,154 Posts
26 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Elijah nodded, but he knew the bigger town was busier. Simon could find himself wrapped there,  constantly doing stuff and time flies. "Of course. I will worry though until I get that first letter."

768 Posts
59 Threads
Registered: Jun 2019

Simon smirked. "Look, between father and the risk of drowning, I think Whitby's more dangerous to me now than York. Don't worry. But I'll make sure to send you a letter upon arrival." He gave Elijah a light push.

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