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[Complete] [CW] Come Face the Music

768 Posts
59 Threads
Registered: Jun 2019

"No." the young man said. "What on earth did you do? Father was beside himself when I got home yesterday. I had to have Rose explain to me what happened, and she was upset! You don't go messin' with my family!"

3,154 Posts
26 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Elijah sighed and frowned. "You don't think I did this on my own do you? I am doing my job, Simon. Someone came in who somehow knew about your injuries and that Ben did it. They put in a report and I had to follow up with it. Of course, if you don't want to press charges, I can take it off. But if they come back, I will have to do it again."

768 Posts
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Registered: Jun 2019

"Who?!" Simon frowned with disgust. He had a vague suspicion, but he did not want to think that. Zech had told him to report it, but Simon had told him over and over again to drop it.

3,154 Posts
26 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Elijah sighed with a frown. "I can't.. If I told people who reported someone, than the victims could be hurt. Or someone trying to help another out could face repercussion. If you don't want him to face anything, just drop the charges. Since you are the victim, you can do that. But I can't tell you who. I am sorry. I really don't want this to be happening, though I also don't like the idea of anyone, even Ben, hurting you, Simon. "

768 Posts
59 Threads
Registered: Jun 2019

"Well, then I drop the charges. Which I never made. I never asked you to arrest him! You should 'ave come to me first!"

3,154 Posts
26 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Elijah held up his hands. "Please calm down. I didn't arrest him. I had to bring him in for a statement. If I arrested him, he'd have been in cuffs and maybe in a cell. But I have to do what I'm supposed to do. I am not supposed to go to you for permission. I am sorry to have caused trouble. You know I care about you guys, and this isn't easy. But I can't pretend some reports don't count. I do everything by the book. "

768 Posts
59 Threads
Registered: Jun 2019

"What? So if I make a random report about some fellow I dislike, you'll bring him in?" Simon said. Elijah had made everything worse. He felt betrayed by Zech - for Simon couldn't think of anyone else who would have made such a report. And most of all, he felt ashamed.

3,154 Posts
26 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

"Yes, I would. They would probably have an explanation that proved it wrong and then I'd let them go and give you a talking to for filing a false report. But I know this wasn't a false report. I've seen the marks myself, Simon."He sighed and rubbed his face.

768 Posts
59 Threads
Registered: Jun 2019

"Ye shouldn't have used that..." Simon sulked.

3,154 Posts
26 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Elijah sighed and rubbed his head. "I'm sorry.I just want to protect you. I want to protect anyone who is hurt." He leaned back to think. "Ok.. here.. sign this to show the charges are dropped.. Just an X or squiggle will do. If the same person tries to turn him in for the exact same incident I can refuse them. If you think you know who the person is, let me know who might be bothering you. I can always let you give me a report for harassment if you wish."

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