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[Complete] [CW] Nothing Up My Sleeve [Street, Yards, and Homes]

171 Posts
6 Threads

Pronouns: He, him
Age: 54
Occupation: Doctor
Height: 5'10"
Registered: May 2020

Donald took some time to consider his next words. For some reason, it was as if things were feeling orchestrated from beyond the grave, though he was not one to put stock much into that seance nonsense... imagine. He was above all else a philanthropist, and this couple, though not wanting much for money at the moment... conveniently ensconced in a modest but comfortable house for folks as young as they looked. He had a thing or two to say about what he thought might be going on. He looked around and saw many things they should not already have unless the young man was made of money. Was he?

He considered keeping a close eye on the lad, but how? The old man was wise enough not to voice his suspicions that something more was going on than met the eye. Considering the circumstances of how he lost his second wife, he had a hard time completely putting stock into some stories. Even Sam was probably smart enough to know that Donald had a very keen bullshit detector, especially if one could see the way he seemed to watch.

"I happen to know of a few people who are looking for people, including myself. I think that might give you some options." He paused. Now, he wasn't lying when he said he was looking for folks. He did, after all, have some idea of what he wanted to accomplish in his own life. "But I have conditions if you come to work for me."

He was not sure how to word it, he didn't want to know anything about how they were able to get such a place as where they were. Frankly, it wasn't his business. He would offer a chance anyway. "I don't want to know what isn't my place to know, but I would ask that you don't do whatever wrongs you might have done. I've had enough of untrustworthy individuals. I'm going to be honest and say that I would never just make such an offer to anyone. I will only speak further if you agree to those terms."

164 Posts
3 Threads

Age: 21
Occupation: Ranch Hand/Bandit
Height: 5'11"
Alias: Sam, Sammy
Registered: Jul 2023

Sam thought for a moment, looking at cerise while he did so. After a few moments he looked at donald with a sincere smile, "I have a higher standard to uphold now than some of the work i done before. So agreeing to those terms won't be a problem, doc." Sam had noticed the way he looked around, and the way he chose his words even. Suspicions were fine though, So long as it didn't become proven knowledge.

Sam however was nothing if not loyal he had nearly died more times than he could count for the sake of helping his own. He had done his fair share of lying in the past, but there was no hint of it as he replied to donald. "Above all in this world i wanna do right by her an the baby, an by honest means besides." Sam took a promise he made very seriously, doubly so the ones he made to her.

171 Posts
6 Threads

Pronouns: He, him
Age: 54
Occupation: Doctor
Height: 5'10"
Registered: May 2020

"Well," he said, "I have need of someone who can cook at least decently. And I also have need of a new maid. Some of my staff have retired," more so because he asked some of them to leave when he thought he was just going to walk away from it all. But he couldn't leave the place where his wives were. It was his last wife that spurred him on to do the things he was doing now. "But it would require you to give this home up, that is the only caveat to this job offer." He knew what he was doing with that one. He saw the surprised look on the young lady's face and then said, "You would not want for space, I will afford you the suite that would have been for my mother in law, had I one still living." He paused, "It has it's own kitchen and facilities, and there is room for a baby or two. If you want to keep all of this, however, I could put in a good word with a friend of mine, Mister Rochester, though he might require the same stipulations as me." In fact, Donald would probably see to it. "I also know of a couple of farmers looking for farm hands, and I am sure they also might require you to live with them as well."

164 Posts
3 Threads

Age: 21
Occupation: Ranch Hand/Bandit
Height: 5'11"
Alias: Sam, Sammy
Registered: Jul 2023

Sam thought for a bit before he answered, "thats a kind offer doc, but we won't leave this house unless Cerise wants to. An i would need to know that were anythin to happen to me, or even to you that she would not be without a roof over her head." it seemed a simple thing to sam, the ranch he had worked at had living quarters for some of the hands, but they were all unmarried. those the rancher had no choice but to pay a fair wage, unlike him, all had separate homes for their families. To him it would just be a strange feeling to have someone else in full control of your living arrangements without some kind of agreement in place. and selling the home they had just settled into was a big step he would not take without Cerise's input.

146 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 24
Occupation: Dancer
Height: 4'11
Registered: Jul 2023

Cerise looked around her. Not everything had been bought with the ill gotten gains of his. The house, certainly, those lovely clothes, and the furniture, certainly. She then looked to the doctor and understood then what he was offering. She turned her gaze to Sam, her brows raised thoughtfully. She moved to him and pulled him into a two person huddle, which made Donald smile. She then said to him softly enough that only Sam could hear. "I am not sure it's a bad idea if you want to atone. I think he knows there is something we're not telling him and he is right. I think you should consider the offer before you tell him no. You could do something else with what you already have... You want to be a better person, you are getting a chance to prove it are you not? We don't have to say anything now either, we can wait until you've spoken to other potential employers."

164 Posts
3 Threads

Age: 21
Occupation: Ranch Hand/Bandit
Height: 5'11"
Alias: Sam, Sammy
Registered: Jul 2023

"Maybe you are right, but we ain't never met this man before. we have to be careful an make sure we have options should it not work out. I don't wanna see a situation where we are lookin for housing with a newborn." he spoke in the same hushed whisper, arm around her waist as they spoke privately. "So we can take the offer, sell this place, long as we have some kinda deal to at least give us time to find a place of our own should it come to that."

146 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 24
Occupation: Dancer
Height: 4'11
Registered: Jul 2023

"Well, I think it's worth giving a shot. I agree that we should think about it first. Perhaps wait until we've married to do the next thing. I suppose that should be the next step. I don't think it's a good idea to wait if it's true that there will be a baby..." she sighed and looked down, tentatively touching the slight round her belly was starting to become. "I'm scared, Sam. Everything is just so overwhelming. We have to think about everything now. Doing what's best for the baby. Do you think living in a place we didn't earn sets a good example for the baby? There is much to think about. I wouldn't rush it. We've rushed so many things already."

164 Posts
3 Threads

Age: 21
Occupation: Ranch Hand/Bandit
Height: 5'11"
Alias: Sam, Sammy
Registered: Jul 2023

Sam nodded his head, placing his hand softly on her belly, "Probably not, an we have rushed a lot of things. lets get married first, get sorted out. then we can see about the offer. by then we might have a better feel on who this man is. No more rushing, we'll slow down a little." Sam kissed her forehead, then turned to donald, "Could we have some time to make a decision? we'll need to set everything in order before we can move. an i don't wanna put too much strain on her. So if you don't mind doc, just some time to think on it and put everythin in order."

146 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 24
Occupation: Dancer
Height: 4'11
Registered: Jul 2023

It seemed that the choice was made to hold off for the moment. They agreed to meet again at a later date. Doctor Witaker left his name and address on a piece of paper with instructions to bring something to prepare for dinner so Donald could test the waters before choices were made as well. He wanted to show the man his kitchen. Judging by the smell that lingered in the air, he did a grand job of making food. He saw on his way out that it was untouched because he'd interrupted. It looked to be a strange concoction. "In fact, I'd like to try whatever it is you cooked for your lovely lady. In fact, I can even leave you the money to get more things from the market. I want you to try out the kitchen at least once at a leisurely pace. I'm curious about what you can do." And then he was gone.

Cerise turned to Sam then and sighed. "I know why you did it, but I wish you would have... explained how it works instead of leaving me to believe what I was told by the nuns." She looked sort of down for it, but she wasn't yelling at him. She looked down at the floor, sitting down on the settee. "Sam... why did you not tell me? I feel very stupid right now." She looked up at him again, hurt, not anger in her eyes.

164 Posts
3 Threads

Age: 21
Occupation: Ranch Hand/Bandit
Height: 5'11"
Alias: Sam, Sammy
Registered: Jul 2023

Sam shook the doctors hand, agreeing to come and see the kitchen at a later time and saw him out. when he turned to cerise her frowned, clearly sorry for the circumstances, when she sat he sat down next to her and gave her a hug, "I'm sorry Cerise, I just thought you knew. It ain't that your stupid, you were told something and had no reason to think it was a lie, and then you never had anyone tell you otherwise. Its my fault for not figurin out you didn't know until, well it was too late. then once i knew i was afraid to tell you...not even really sure why on that one. Either way its my mistake." with the doctors sudden arrival and subsequent offer he hadn't had time to let it sink in before, but the doctor had said things were fine, and now the happiness of that started to seep in a little, he kpet holding her, stroking her back gently. "I am glad for the good news he had too though. i'd been worried with how tired you've been."

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