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[Complete] [CW] Beryl Silver Presenting [Market, Shops, and Spas]

222 Posts
9 Threads

Age: 18
Occupation: Courtesan
Registered: Dec 2021

[CW: prostitution; reference to sexual assault; reference to violence]

She couldn't stretch her stay with Elijah's much longer and that bastard Willaby would string her along forever. It was a nice place but a little too close to trouble, anyway. She felt uncomfortable when she thought of the possibility of running into Rose.

And so she had dropped her children off at her parents' place and was making her way to the Diamond Pony. She hadn't run into Lory anymore, and she hadn't heard from her. Never mind, she'd arrange it herself. She heard there was a new owner. Might be new in town. Might not know how to recognize a Longbottom. Might hire her. She didn't mind having men for money. It was easier than domestic service, where you still had the chance of the boss putting his hands wherever he liked anyway, and you had to slave about all day. But she wanted to get off the streets and do it somewhere save.

Beryl Silver was the name she had chosen for herself. 'Ruth Longbottom' would probably not even get her inside. But she had had a hard time coming up with a suitable name and so she had settled for a rip-off of Lory's. She had first considered 'Pearl' for gem, but maybe the Carringtons were still somehow involved with the Pony, and was this 'Pearl Carrington' that everyone was talking about. Beryl it was.

She was dressed in an old-fashioned, red, low-cut evening dress that she had found seventh- or eight-hand at a bargain. Her black curls were washed and oiled and up in a high, loose bun, with a few curls playfully framing her face. It was the day after she had taken her bath, and she had taken great care in washing this time. Her nails had never been cleaner. She had even managed to nick some perfume and had richly sprayed her neck, bosom and wrists - there was a whiff of it down there as well, in case the new boss wanted a test round. The bruise on her face had healed and she hadn't gone back on the streets at night since arriving at Elijah's. Her now clear cheeks were powdered. Her lips were red with paint. 

The only thing about her appearance that now betrayed her lowly state was her somewhat sunken face and poor teeth - a few comfortable weeks at Elijah's could not counter years of rough living and malnourishment - and her worn down boots, though the dress covered those if she didn't move too fast.

It was getting dark when she approached the Pony, trying to walk confidently but slowly enough to keep her boots hidden under her dress. There was a bouncer out there, as she had anticipated. A handsome one too. Maybe she'd let him have a test round too, after his shift. Ruth smiled sweetly at him.

"Hello, my darling," she said in a ridiculous parody of a posh voice. "My name is Beryl Silver. What's yours?"
Senior Member

281 Posts
6 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 24
Occupation: Scoundrel
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

He sort of missed the atmosphere inside the Pony, it was also warmer and dry usually. It was normally quiet outside though and few people bothering him, so perhaps it evened out. His mind was wandering as he stood at the door when a voice spoke to him. Menachem looked to the woman, she wasn't one of the ladies inside that he'd met. Must have been a prospective hopeful. He flashed her his best attempt at a charming and innocent smile. She'd attempted her best to dress up, he'd guess, and the voice. Well, he was sure some men would find it very endearing.

"Ah, hello, Miss Silver. I am Menachem. However may I help you?" He asked before he let her in.

222 Posts
9 Threads

Age: 18
Occupation: Courtesan
Registered: Dec 2021

"Menachem? What an interesting name," she said in a sugary voice that was only slightly ruined by a throat that had experienced too much smoke and damp. She entered the building. Well, this was easy so far. 'Beryl' turned to the bouncer. "If I wished to work here, Menachem, who would I need to speak to?"
Senior Member

281 Posts
6 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 24
Occupation: Scoundrel
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

"Thank you, I think your name is quite interesting too." Obviously a fake name, most girls had it. Maybe he should just stick to using the name his brother adopted for him. "Who to talk to that would be the woman of the house Madame Sonia Meijer or.. " his face fell slightly. He laughed awkwardly. "Ah or her husband, Zechariah Meijer. Um.. if you speak to him please do not mention me, and if you do, my name is Tony."

222 Posts
9 Threads

Age: 18
Occupation: Courtesan
Registered: Dec 2021

Ruth raised her eyebrows and looked at the bouncer with a coy, playful smile. "Tony? And why is that? Have you been naughty, Tony?" she teased.
Senior Member

281 Posts
6 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 24
Occupation: Scoundrel
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

"Well.." Menachem leaned in just a little as he spoke low into her ear. A boyish grin lit his face, "I may have been just a little naughty." He said as he held up his fingers pinching them together. "But most of the people here know he knows me as Tony. I don't think it would ruin anything, but it's been fun keeping up the game thus far. So want to help me out, my dear angel?" He asked as he took her hand to politely kiss the back of it. She was flirting with him, so either she liked him or thought flirting with the bouncer would help. Either way, he'd let her think it was working. What could it hurt?

222 Posts
9 Threads

Age: 18
Occupation: Courtesan
Registered: Dec 2021

The kind of flirting Ruth was used to was a lot rougher than this, and so she wasn't sure how to take Menachem's words and actions. She giggled girlishly. Men liked it when women laughed at their bad jokes. And it would be helpful to keep this guy on her good side.

"Alright then, Tony. I've already forgotten your other name. Can you tell me where I can find Mr. Meijer?"

She'd rather talk to a man than a woman. A woman might see through her act and notice that she was low class. Most men didn't see further than her pushed up bosom and her spread legs.

She poked her finger into the bouncer's chest. "And then maybe later, you can show me how well you bounce."
Senior Member

281 Posts
6 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 24
Occupation: Scoundrel
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Menachem laughed that was a low rumble in his chest. She was on his side, for now. "Alright. Thank you very much. Sadly, he isn't in at the moment... I think. He's very busy and has work outside the place. But you can sit and meet some of the others here, if you'd like? I can see if our lady is in. She's very nice and understanding woman who will hear you out so you can relax when you apply for the job. "

He caught her hands in his and curled his larger fingers around hers delicately. "Ah, ha.. I don't play around on the clock, though I am very flattered such a pretty girl as yourself wants to offer me your time."

222 Posts
9 Threads

Age: 18
Occupation: Courtesan
Registered: Dec 2021

Ruth's face fell when he rejected her. If there was one thing she despised it was a man who didn't want her. "Sure..." she offered to his suggestion, trying not to sound cold. She might still need him.
Senior Member

281 Posts
6 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 24
Occupation: Scoundrel
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Menachem touched her cheek when it fell and leaned down on the cane he used to help walk as he still recovered, so they were eye to eye. "Now now.. don't look disappointed. I am not trying to hurt your feelings. How about.. after you get hired. We celebrate with a drink when I'm done for the day? How does that sound?" He wasn't going to have a woman working there be mad at him. He was trying to avoid any drama as much as possible.

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