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[Complete] [CW] Just Ordinary Post-Race Drama [Harbor, Beach, and Sea]
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Age: 31 (5 October 1863)
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"BEN!" Tobias shouted.

Man, he shared the sentiment, but dealing with one dramatic Ward was quite enough, and he dreaded getting sucked into even more trouble.

He strode over and tried to help Elijah pull Ben away from a man who didn't deserve his help
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Tristan too hurried over to pull the old fisherman away from Mr. Meijer. As soon as the coast was clear he stooped down to see if the man was conscious and to inspect the damage.

He was still soaking wet from his little swim. To hell with Tobias and his 'this will be fun'.
Posting Freak

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Ben punched again, but then he was pulled back. He kicked at Mr. Meijer, but was pulled to far away to hit anything with air. "BURN IN HELL!" he roared.

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Elijah gasped and thanked Tristan for his help as he tried to keep holding Ben back. "Stop that! You can't just attack people! I've never seen you like this, Ben!' He looped his arms around Ben's to keep him restrained from behind. "Calm down, this is terrible for your health!"
Diamond Pony Owner

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A muffled, panicked, “Elijah!” could be heard under the vicious animal that was Benjamin Ward.

Why was he worrying about Benjamin’s health!? Zechariah was being killed!

Zechariah was curled on his side into a fetal position, face hidden and streaks of blood around his collar.
The Diamond Pony

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Lory helped tuck Pennyfeather’s blanket around Anne, though couldn’t help but wrinkle her nose at the smell.

She glanced over at Benjamin, flinched, and held tight to Anne, vomit smell and all. She glanced to Alice when she shrieked.

“Do you know him?” she frowned.

The fellow had looked pretty (almost … Cheri, pretty), though she wondered what would be left of the bloke’s looks after Benjamin and the uselessly gawking crowd was done with him.

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Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 31 (4/18/1864)
Occupation: Gardener
Height: 5'3"
Registered: Jul 2019

Mehmet forced a smile and turned the handkerchief down. He patted himself off, then grimaced when the smell stuck to his hands instead. He shuffled on over to the other side of the dock to run his hands through less-vomited in water.

“I should probably get to the bathhouse,” he said, then turned to face the … ruckus. “Hey!” he shouted, taking solid steps toward the conflict.

Then he saw a copper, and took a less confident step back. He wasn’t about to blacklist his own family over a stranger.
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Roderick puked more. Turned to say something to Robert … then just upchucked liquid like a profane, one-holed fountain instead.

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Robert screamed, ran to the other side of the boat, jumped over board and swam away.
Farmer's wife

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Age: 17 (27 April 1878)
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"Aye, 'e tried to protect me..." Alice whispered.

He had also traveled all the way to Castleton to insult her. But she had felt so awfully alone for so long, she couldn't be picky about allies.

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