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[Complete] Ugh, He was right. [Streets, Yards, and Homes]
Senior Member

536 Posts
15 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 26
Occupation: Laundress
Height: Average
Registered: Aug 2019

"It does. Now what is your verdict for me?" She asked curiously, her belly grumbling with hunger as the food neared completion. She was ready to know how her brother felt about how she felt.

465 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 29
Occupation: Snakeoil Salesman
Height: 5'11"
Registered: Jul 2019

"Normal pregnancy it seems. Just take it easy. I know you want to keep busy. I'll go into town and get you some yarn and needles and you can learn to knit. It would be a nice gift for the baby if you made it a blanket by hand..." He smiled and then noticed the food was ready so he spooned out a large helping for her.
Senior Member

536 Posts
15 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 26
Occupation: Laundress
Height: Average
Registered: Aug 2019

They had an actual kitchen table to eat at... Not a cramped little thing. "How long has it been since we've gotten to sit down at a big table to eat together?" She lumbered over to the table in question and sat on one of the bench seats, reserving the head of the table for him even if he wasn't staying there with her.

465 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 29
Occupation: Snakeoil Salesman
Height: 5'11"
Registered: Jul 2019

"I can't even remember." Pony laughed and put down her plate with chicken and plenty of vegetables. He got himself a similar though slightly smaller plate and sat across from her. He wouldn't take the end of the table as he didn't feel like it was fitting, he was her equal and was happy to sit before her. "Do you want me to pick up anything in town for you tomorrow?"
Senior Member

536 Posts
15 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 26
Occupation: Laundress
Height: Average
Registered: Aug 2019

"The stuff ta make Scotch eggs?" she asked seriously. "It's my favorite." She said and yawned softly, then began to nibble at her dinner. "More thread for mending... Other than that? I don't know. Thank ye for offerin'." She took some of the leftover bread and broke it between them. Using hers, she made a sandwich with the chicken, some of the cheese set in the middle of the table, and mustard. "I am so hungry. I swear I am a grazing cow."

465 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 29
Occupation: Snakeoil Salesman
Height: 5'11"
Registered: Jul 2019

"You're kid is the grazing cow, you are just passing it on." He grinned but nodded at her request. He tried to make a mental note, hoping he won't forget any as he nibbled his bread. "I will get your supplies tomorrow though I don't know when I'll be home."
Senior Member

536 Posts
15 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 26
Occupation: Laundress
Height: Average
Registered: Aug 2019

"Don't worry. I know ye have work ta do, brother." And people to see. She was still holding out hope that her brother had found a lass to woo beyond just his bed. If she knew he was using a girl, she would thwap him, but she was blessedly ignorant of his interesting relationship development. Instead, she said, "I do want a niece or nephew to bounce on my knee one day, too," she teased. "And the kid may be the cow, but I am the one who has to look the part in the meantime." She ate more food with gusto, stood up and grabbed for the onion jam to smear on some bread for another sandwich. "On second thought, don't worry about the scotch eggs, I do have to eat all this food up. I may crave it, but I don't want to waste food either."

465 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 29
Occupation: Snakeoil Salesman
Height: 5'11"
Registered: Jul 2019

"Ah don't go holding your breath!" Pony chuckled. He finished off the morsel of vegetables then looked up. "Ah you're as lovely as ever... take it as you well." He grinned impishly.

He leaned back, hoping to avoid getting a slap and nodded. "I'll help you eat it up, when it's almost gone I'll buy enough ingredients for you to eat a dozen scotch eggs."
Senior Member

536 Posts
15 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 26
Occupation: Laundress
Height: Average
Registered: Aug 2019

"Ye are full of it, brother." She accused teasingly before wolfing down her food. "And I will hold my breath if I want ta, ye can't make me do otherwise," she swatted at him. "I want ta see ye happy, that's all. Same with ye wanting me happy."

465 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 29
Occupation: Snakeoil Salesman
Height: 5'11"
Registered: Jul 2019

Pony laughed and tried to avoid her striking hand. He grinned as he partially ducked behind his side of the table. "Ah, sister. What makes you think I need a woman in my life to be happy? I mean, sure I like a woman in bed. But that isn't necessary. Certainly not needed enough to make me settle. I'd rather give it up.'

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