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[Complete] I Need That Healing Touch [Streets, Yards, and Homes]

3,154 Posts
26 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

"No, no. Please.. I would like him to stay. He is a nice man, Rose. You should try to speak to him, you would see that. I know I am an exception to the rule for you, Rose. Just give him a chance, and let us not speak religion for now and just as people." He wanted to try his soup, even if it wasn't made by him specifically. It was made to his tastes. But to have both, even in his famished state would be seen gluttonous. He clapped his hands in an idea. "We should all eat. You are both my guests. We can all try a little of both soups. I know  I have six small bowls. It will be a fun experience."
Posting Freak

764 Posts
15 Threads

Age: 33
Occupation: Roman Catholic Priest
Height: 5'9
Registered: Aug 2019

Gabriel seemed a little uncomfortable, as if he would rather leave. But he forced a smile again. "If you insist. Don't worry Rose, I will not try to convert you." He would love to do that, actually, but he would hold back. No cracking jokes about Anglicans. He made his way to the kitchen and returned with the bowls.
Posting Freak

941 Posts
22 Threads

Age: 19
Occupation: Baker's wife
Registered: Jul 2019

"Oh that wouldn't worry me." Rose said coolly. She turned to Elijah. "Actually, I should go. I just came to see if you were alright and bring you food. Since you have a visitor. I should probably go home and make myself useful. I'll send someone for the pan and to check on you later on."

3,154 Posts
26 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Elijah looked surprised and saddened. "Well, if you are certain.. I am sorry. Thank you for coming by and the soup. You are always welcome here."

He certainly didn't mean for her to feel uncomfortable and would have been happy for her to stay. A small part of his mind though cheered that he would be alone with the priest who was sinfully handsome.
Posting Freak

764 Posts
15 Threads

Age: 33
Occupation: Roman Catholic Priest
Height: 5'9
Registered: Aug 2019

"It's Sunday..." Gabriel casually pointed out when the girl said she should make herself useful, though he was relieved she intended to leave. It was not a good thing to feel, and he knew he shouldn't pick on the girl, but there was only so much he could handle at once.

And he was quite eager to look after poor Mr. Crane.
Posting Freak

941 Posts
22 Threads

Age: 19
Occupation: Baker's wife
Registered: Jul 2019

Rose squinted her eyes at the priest, but then she said bye to Elijah and left.

3,154 Posts
26 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Elijah sighed as she left and looked down before up at Gabriel, some of that disappointment that she felt she had to leave vanished when he looked upon his face though. He gave him a small weak smile. "Do not mind, Rose. She is a really nice person, she's just...very... judgemental of other religions. I am lucky they overlook that for me, I suppose because I have not practiced in so long."

He helped him set down the four instead of two bowls and carefully tried to ladle the soup so the two could share. "May I admit something? I ... truly was looking forward to trying the soup you had made for me. "He looked embarrassed but busied himself to finish separating the soups.
Posting Freak

764 Posts
15 Threads

Age: 33
Occupation: Roman Catholic Priest
Height: 5'9
Registered: Aug 2019

Gabriel tried not to look at Elijah. "Erm... you should probably get back in bed. You'll catch a cold." He looked down at the cups with an immense determination.

3,154 Posts
26 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Elijah nodded and slowly headed to the bed. "I am feeling light headed being on my feet." He said softly but not being too worried. He managed to slip under the covers and looked back at him. He wondered if he was bothered by his presence. He was avoiding looking at him a lot, was it his scars? He didn't seem to recognize him from the confession booth, he wouldn't have been there if that was the case. It stung to think he had spoken kindly but truly felt what Elijah worried so many others did. He immediately leaned over the other side to look around the floor for the shirt he had originally went to bed with before a fever took him and he tossed it away.
Posting Freak

764 Posts
15 Threads

Age: 33
Occupation: Roman Catholic Priest
Height: 5'9
Registered: Aug 2019

"The soup was made by the housekeeper. Not by me, but I'll heat it..." Gabriel said, and he quickly disappeared into the kitchen.

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