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They rolled up to Zech's house and he settled Sugar down for the time being. The dogs were then leashed to the wagon to keep them from wandering off, he didn't want to deal with his brother possibly bitching about the dogs. Then again, they would not be there for too long... he certainly didn't want to be there for too long. He helped Kitty off of the wagon and escorted her toward the door, not caring that he was dressed like a farmer at the moment since he had to do all kinds of dirty work that day, and he rapped his hand upon the door.

"This ought to be fun," he chuckled and then waited.

141 Posts
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Registered: Jun 2019

At first, there was no answer. The curtains were drawn wide to let the sun inThe butler, who had not yet been caught with his literal pants down, answered the door. His non-monocled eye traveled judgmentally up and down the two... farmers? His nose flared in offense.

“No soliciting.”
Retired Cowgirl

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Registered: Jul 2019

Kitty frowned marching up to him, she tried to lean up to the height of the butler's, her belly almost brushed against him. "We ain't solicitors! Let us speak to him, or I will make such a fuss, he'll be the talk of the neighborhood for days!" She cupped her hands ready to shout. She had no shame if it came down to it.
Senior Member

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Pronouns: He, him
Age: 22
Occupation: Student/Teacher
Height: 6'6"
Registered: Jul 2019

Uriel patted her arm and said calmly, "I'm Zecheriah Meijer's brother, Uriel... You will have to forgive the clothing as we are currently moving our belongings into our new home and did not wish to soil our good clothes. We thought we'd stop by for a brief visit... I am sure he has time... for his brother." The big man stared at the man with the monocle as he gently pulled her against his side, currently trying hard not to break out in a fit of giggles.

141 Posts
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Pronouns: He/Him
Occupation: Thread Bomber & Admin
Registered: Jun 2019

Thus far, the relatives he had met had been … short on notice, but bore a certain resemblance (read: odors that were not notable enough to earn their own ghastly namesakes) to each other.

He was fairly certain he’d be flayed alive if he let these miscreants past the threshold, and he hardly doubted they had the sort of bribes that would make it worth it.

“I have not been informed of any... brothers,” he had another ‘b’ word in mind, but it would do, “of your … standing.”

Was there protocol for ejecting men twice his size and women twice his volume off the front step?
Retired Cowgirl

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Pronouns: She Her
Age: 31
Occupation: Hopeful Nun
Height: 5'4"
Registered: Jul 2019

Kitty started to tap her foot impatiently. "He was here just the other night for Shab.." She frowned more as she tried to recall the word she had heard briefly. "Shabbat! So obviously there is no confusion."

She pulled her arm from Uriel's and went to a window and banged on it loudly. "Get out here instead of hiding!"
Senior Member

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Pronouns: He, him
Age: 22
Occupation: Student/Teacher
Height: 6'6"
Registered: Jul 2019

"Of my... standing? Pull the pud from your ear, fellow. I am wearing this clothing because I have a cart full of things to fill my new home with. One does not wear their Sunday best for hauling furniture." He stepped aside and gestured toward the cart that was laden with stuff. Nice stuff. "I am not surprised that my brother doesn't want to claim his family, but I can assure you, there are more of us and I am the tamest, if the most talkative. Please retrieve Zecheriah..." His tone was filled with annoyance by that point, and he had a furious expression on his face, but his voice remained quiet and reasonable for the most part. To be treated like a second class citizen by his brother was one thing, to have his butler doing the dirty work simply pissed the big man off.
Diamond Pony Owner

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Registered: Jul 2019

A curtain drew from the window upstairs, gas lights aglow in the room. If either of them happened to look up, they might notice Zech (a good foot shorter than Uriel) taking a deep breath with his eyes closed before turning.

“I will see if he is in,” the butler said with a smug sneer, stepping back and starting to close the door – but not in time to block them from seeing Zechariah scowling down at his back.

There was muffled yelling behind the door, and then shortly after it opened. This time, Zechariah stood before them. In a bathrobe (and a plainer bathrobe than the one he had lent that half-drowned and even less covered fellow), settled in for the night.

The look he cast upon the woman with Uriel was pinched. Of course she was a redhead. His gaze dropped down to her stomach, and his mouth formed a silent ‘o’. He opened the door wide and nodded toward the parlor.

“Come in,” he said, tone carefully neutral. “The butler should be by with something to eat.”

And alcohol. Mostly alcohol.
Retired Cowgirl

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Pronouns: She Her
Age: 31
Occupation: Hopeful Nun
Height: 5'4"
Registered: Jul 2019

Kitty rolled her eyes and clicked her boots against the ground a moment as she stepped in, giving the brother a curious look. 'Never seen a pregnant woman before? " She shook her head and immediately stepped in and gave just a cursory glance around. Nothing to tell her a lot about the brother, he seemed the smart type though. Not nearly as pleasant as Uriel though. She decided not to wait though and thrust her hand out to him. "Kitty Calamity. How do you do."
Senior Member

308 Posts
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Pronouns: He, him
Age: 22
Occupation: Student/Teacher
Height: 6'6"
Registered: Jul 2019

He had seen the look on his brother's face and raised his eyebrows, a smirk forming on his face without him meaning to... as if to say, "I did that." Of course, he did not say the words out loud. She got very bold, which he was just peachy with, and she was being a brat. He pursed his lips to try not to laugh. He put his hand upon her back and hauled her a little closer, "No worries brother, we just ate. We weren't going to be here long." And then he escorted his betrothed inside the house and toward the parlor. He sent a look toward the Butler that said he told him so, the old putz. "I just don't have time to wait to tell you all of this, obviously."

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