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Somniac's Thread Tracker

141 Posts
28 Threads

Pronouns: He/Him
Occupation: Thread Bomber & Admin
Registered: Jun 2019

This thread is for me to make my to-do list more doable and for curious eyes to more easily take a look at any plots I am or have been involved in. For getting in contact with me about my characters, try hitting me up on this thread or PM/DM.

[Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png]

Ongoing Threads
Open Threads
  1. Box #27 to Amelia Mason

Completed Threads
  1. The Open Air Concert as Christopher Hurley with Simon Ward & Zechariah Meijer
  2. You Here... as Christopher Hurley with Simon Ward & Zechariah Meijer
  3. Bring on the Men as An Obnoxious Hooded Crow with Simon Ward & Zechariah Meijer
  4. Fishing For … with Simon Ward & an obnoxious hooded crow
  5. Everyday Handyman as The Butler with Claude Longbottom
  6. The Incident as The Full-Moon Rider with Pearl Carrington & Steve Kelly
  7. Hope You Can Swim as The Captain and a cast of Comically Unsympathetic Sailors with Bill Green
  8. Showdown as The Butler with Zechariah Meijer, Uriel Meijer & Kitty Calamity
  9. Baggage Claim with Nesah Meijer
  10. The Wedding with the Wards, Officer Crane, the Gardeniers, others.
  11. Box #14 as many
  12. Two Little Maids as a Trumpeting Noah Look-Alike, with Ellie Russell and Anne Ward
  13. Box #12 as an aspiring black widow, R. S., and Swordfish, to Elijah Crane
  14. Red Alert! with Elijah Crane, a surly door guard, and a woman of refinement

Retired Threads
  1. Going Coastal as The Butler with Penina Humphries and Zechariah Meijer
  2. I Solemnly Swear I’m up to No Good as The Butler & The Behemoth Sex Worker he hired, with Menachem Meijer, Rose Ward,  Claude Longbottom, Nesah Meijer, & Zechariah Meijer
  3. Kneel as a bumbling dentist with Gabriel Richards, Elijah Crane, and Tristan Wells

[Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png]
Diamond Pony Owner

728 Posts
22 Threads

Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 27 (6/6/1869)
Occupation: Barrister
Plotter: [Here]
Height: 5'6"
Registered: Jul 2019


[Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png]

Ongoing Threads
  1. Second thoughts? Not this time. with Sonia Carrington
  2. Just Good Friends with Elijah Crane
  3. Your Inheritance is Tax Destructible with Darius Carrington
  4. A New Life with Sonia Meijer
  5. Nettling Nesah with Nesah Meijer

Open Threads
  1. April Showers in the Molly House
  2. The Funeral of a Madman with Carringtons, many
  3. Box #12 As Swordfish/Honor with Elijah Crane/Not-Richard/Not-Not Richard
  4. The Yacht Race with Alice Appleton Ward, Benjamin Ward, William Ward, Cheri, Christine Pennyfeather, Ellie Russell, Tobias Appleton, Nathaniel Appleton, Murphy Maddock, Mehmet Gardenier, Tristan Wells, Darius Carrington, James Longbottom, Harry Longbottom, Noah Longbottom, Thomas Shelley, Zechariah Meijer, Benny "Mr. Benjamin" Green, Edwin Lei, Patrick Hawksfield, Elijah Crane
  5. A Masquerade Ball
  6. Just Ordinary Post-Race Drama with Wards, constables, fops, merchants, and so on


Completed Threads
  1. The Open Air Concert with Simon Ward & Christopher Hurley
  2. You Here... with Christopher Hurley & Simon Ward
  3. Fishing For … with Simon Ward & Benjamin Ward
  4. Bring on the Men with Simon Ward & an obnoxious hooded crow
  5. Fishing For … with Simon Ward & an obnoxious hooded crow
  6. Everyday Handyman with Claude Longbottom
  7. What Weighs More, a Pound of Leaves or a Pound of Logs? with Claude Longbottom & Rose Ward
  8. Guilt Hire with Rose Ward
  9. Meet the Parents with Benjamin Ward, Rose Ward, & Simon Ward
  10. I Solemnly Swear I’m up to No Good with Menachem Meijer, Rose Ward, a useless butler, the behemoth sex worker he hired Frances Cockburn, Claude Longbottom, & Nesah Meijer
  11. Showdown with The Butler, Uriel Meijer & Kitty Calamity
  12. Please Don't Fire Me with Rose Ward
  13. Just a Boy Next Door with Benny Green, Rose Ward, & others preceding his entrance
  14. Too Much Info? with Rose Ward & Alice Ward
  15. Please Don't Shout at Me with Rose Ward
  16. An argument a day keeps the boredom away with Rose Ward & Benny Green
  17. Traffic Jam with Tobias Appleton & Anita Longbottom
  18. Baggage Claim with Nesah Meijer
  19. Hole in One with Darius Carrington
  20. Looking for a job with Benny Green & James Longbottom
  21. Blackmail with Sonia DeAngelis
  22. TFoaMM: Familiarity Breeds Contempt with Darius Carrington
  23. When it Rains with Tristan Wells
  24. Wipe Your Own Arse in the Future with Rose Ward
  25. An Appleton a Day with Jenny Cook, Alice Ward, and Tobias Appleton
  26. Box #27 as an annoyed brother
  27. Can't Keep the Lawyer Away with Alice & Tobias Appleton
  28. Wipe My Ass, Or Suffer with Benny Green
  29. Box #14 as a horny letter writer, for Bruce
  30. Lighten Up with Rose Ward
  31. Help Me Lock Away My Ill Gotten Gains with Darius Carrington
  32. Odd Ones Out with Christopher Hurley, Random Friend, & Darius Carrington
  33. Death Row with Benjamin Ward and Patrick
  34. Whatever Works with Ruth Meijer
  35. No Settling with Edwin Lei
  36. Bro Kit with Uriel Meijer
  37. Sea, Differently with Elijah Crane
  38. AMB: Brotherly Bonds with Menachem Meijer
  39. A new career in a new town with Cheri, Tristan Wells
  40. The Best Treasures with Edmund Reynolds, Ropati Fa'afili, and Aslan Koç
  41. In Desperate Need of Advice with Anne Carrington
  42. [AMB] Something Not Right with Sonia Carrington, Darius Carrington, Henri Lockwood, and Pony McBride

Retired Threads
  1. Going Coastal as The Butler with Penina Humphries and Zechariah Meijer
  2. Checking Out the Books with Stephen C. Clarke
  3. Dancing on Nail Heads with Claude Longbottom & Rose Ward
  4. Breading Zoo with Uriel Meijer
  5. Pork Pies with Uriel Meijer
  6. 70% Chutzpah with Uriel Meijer, Elijah Crane, Bill Green

[Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png]
Private Eye

302 Posts
11 Threads

Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 24 (4/19/1871)
Occupation: The law? The crime? Neden diğerleri de olmasın?
Plotter: [Here]
Height: 5'3"
Registered: Jul 2019


[Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png]

Ongoing Threads
  1. Minding The Store with Bess St. Clair
  2. Ride or Die with Dr. Donald S. Witaker and Miss [Evelyn] Griffin
  3. Tick Tock goes the Broken Clock with Nisa Koç
  4. Loyalty Isn't Green with Menachem Meijer

Open Threads
  1. Box #11 with Dr. Donald S. Witaker (and others)
  2. Music and Dance at Tate Hill Pier with many
  3. Just Ordinary Post-Race Drama with Wards, constables, fops, merchants, and so on

Completed Threads
  1. A Bat in the Belfry and a Rat in the Pantry with Nisa Koç
  2. Rain on my Parade with Jules Everett & Asa Everett
  3. Box #27 as a desperate brother
  4. Box #14 as an overly optimistic potential brother-in-law
  5. A Return from Wandering with Elijah Crane & Anne Ward
  6. Post Tenebras with Malachi Brennan
  7. Founders Ball: Koç in the Middle with Menachem Meijer & Nisa Koç
  8. Morning Dove with Nisa Koç and Elijah Crane
  9. Catch, Capture, Keep with Malachi Brennan
  10. Effeuiller la Marguerite with Nisa Koç, Nettie Brennan, and Malachi Brennan
  11. ElM: Sibling Rivalry with Nisa Koç
  12. Ars Magna Lucis et Umbrae with Malachi Brennan
  13. The Best Treasures with Edmund Reynolds, Ropati Fa'afili, and Zechariah Meijer
  14. Excellent is the Final Home with Nisa Koç

Retired Threads
  1. Posy in your Pocket with Jules Everett
  2. Murder Mystery? Fisherman Fishing During a Storm with Valo
  3. A Grave Encounter with Alexander Mason

Blood-Shy Future Surgeon

78 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 19
Occupation: Student
Registered: Jul 2019


[Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png]

Ongoing Threads
  1. Box #14 posing [badly] as an anonymized Olivia
  2. While the Corpse is Still Warm with Carringtons
  3. Where Do They All Come From? with Evelyn Griffin

Open Threads
  1. Funeral of a Madman with [fellow] Carringtons, many
  2. Box #11 with Dr. Donald S. Witaker (and others)
  3. Just Ordinary Post-Race Drama with Wards, constables, fops, merchants, and so on
  4. Music and Dance at Tate Hill Pier with many
  5. Articles with Gareth Scott

Completed Threads
  1. In Trouble with Alice Ward
  2. Alarmed, or Concerned? with Olivia Carrington
  3. A Rendezvous Amongst Brethren with Darius Carrington, Robert Carrington & Roger Carrington
  4. Allow Me To Introduce Myself with French Prince Francis Tully

Retired Threads
  1. The Founders Ball: Behind the Curtain with Alexandra McPadraic
  2. Displeasure with Magnus Carrington IV
  3. New Woman; Older Brother with Pearl Carrington
  4. The Founders Ball with many

[Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png]

100 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: She/Her
Occupation: Painfully Upbeat Housewife
Height: 5'0"
Registered: Aug 2019

[Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png]
Ongoing Threads
  1. The Stolen Bike Saga - I with Ruth Meijer

Open Threads
  1. Music and Dance at Tate Hill Pier with many

Completed Threads
  1. Suffering the Slings and Arrows with Elijah Crane, Anthony Rowe, Noah Longbottom, and some poor unfortunate bartending that has to clean this shit up
  2. THE Talk with Noah Longbottom, in prison
  3. The Widow with Gabriel Richards, Luna Fischer, and Tobias
  4. Traffic Jam with Tobias & Zechariah Meijer
  5. Is This Thing On? with Gabriel Richards
  6. Curse the World that Gave Me Life with Menachem Meijer

  1. Autumn Quote Challenge
Retired Threads
  1. Drinking Song with Anthony Rowe & Fergus, some bartender
  2. And Where Have You Been? with Claude Longbottom & Harry Longbottom

[Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png]
Fallen Woman

95 Posts
3 Threads

Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 25 (10/21/1871)
Occupation: Crossdressing Constable
Height: 6'0"
Registered: Sep 2019


[Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png]

Ongoing Threads
  1. On My Patch with Albert Hailey
  2. The Constable and the Kook with Marise "Missy" Coulier
  3. A Masquerade Ball

Open Threads
  1. The Whitby Regatta Beat with Alasdair Maclellan and others
  2. The Rowing Race with many
  3. Votes for Women! with many
  4. Just Ordinary Post-Race Drama with Wards, constables, fops, merchants, and so on

Completed Threads
  1. Buying a Little Time with Benny Green
  2. Fallen Women with Alice Ward
  3. Needing to Share the Burden with Elijah Crane
  4. Raw Enforcement with Elijah Crane
  5. Direct Your Problems to the Bin with Wesley Roberts
  6. Box #14 as a horny solicitor

Retired Threads
  1. Last Lass with Kian Kane
  2. New Boy in Town with Estrella Araya
  3. On the Road to Hell with Emmett Finch
[Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png]

55 Posts
2 Threads

Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 31 (4/18/1864)
Occupation: Gardener
Height: 5'3"
Registered: Jul 2019

[Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png]
Ongoing Threads
Open Threads
  1. The Yacht Race with Alice Appleton Ward, Benjamin Ward, William Ward, Cheri, Christine Pennyfeather, Ellie Russell, Tobias Appleton, Nathaniel Appleton, Murphy Maddock, Mehmet Gardenier, Tristan Wells, Darius Carrington, James Longbottom, Harry Longbottom, Noah Longbottom, Thomas Shelley, Zechariah Meijer, Benny "Mr. Benjamin" Green, Edwin Lei, Patrick Hawksfield, Elijah Crane
  2. How to Bloom in Whitby with Cheri
  3. Just Ordinary Post-Race Drama with Wards, constables, fops, and so on

Completed Threads
  1. Satisfied with Emmett Finch and Steve Kelly
  2. Box #14 as a flowery solicitor

  1. To be explored...
Retired Threads
  1. Famous Last Words with Davy Galloway
  2. Hosta la Vista! with Francis Tully

[Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png]
Ghost of Unfortunate Pasts

74 Posts
1 Thread

Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 22
Occupation: Sleazeball
Plotter: [Here]
Height: 5'11"
Registered: Jan 2020


[Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png]

Ongoing Threads
  1. The Only Solution with Simon Ward

Open Threads
  1. To be ...
Completed Threads
  1. Odd Ones Out with Darius Carrington, Zechariah Meijer, and a man who is shocked by the lack of skirt-chasing

  1. For They Shall Be Ashes with Malachi Brennan

[Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png]
Sommelier who Hates Wine

78 Posts
2 Threads

Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 54 (4/16/1841)
Occupation: Traveling Wine Salesman
Plotter: Here.
Height: 6'0"
Registered: Jan 2020


[Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png]

Ongoing Threads
Open Threads
  1. Wine Down
  2. Just Ordinary Post-Race Drama with Wards, constables, fops, merchants, and so on

Completed Threads
  1. Vespers with Anthony Rowe
  2. Father, look, I'm dying with Alice Ward
  3. Grounded with Benny Green
  4. The Best Treasures with Edmund Reynolds, Zechariah Meijer, and Aslan Koç

Retired Threads
  1. Did it seem like a good idea at the time? with Anne Ward
  2. Alone in town with Elizabeth Baker
  3. Something Better to Do with Mable Reynolds
[Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png]
The Diamond Pony

159 Posts
8 Threads

Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 19 (February 25th, 1876)
Occupation: Courtesan
Height: 5'0"
Registered: Jan 2022


[Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png]

Ongoing Threads
  1. It Comes in Waves with fellow Wards
  2. Too Much, Too Early with Cheri
  3. Red Skies, Silver Linings with Cheri
  4. A Ruby Riddled Bath with Nesah Meijer

Open Threads
  1. The Yacht Race with Alice Appleton Ward, Benjamin Ward, William Ward, Cheri, Christine Pennyfeather, Ellie Russell, Tobias Appleton, Nathaniel Appleton, Murphy Maddock, Mehmet Gardenier, Tristan Wells, Darius Carrington, James Longbottom, Harry Longbottom, Noah Longbottom, Thomas Shelley, Zechariah Meijer, Benny "Mr. Benjamin" Green, Edwin Lei, Patrick Hawksfield, Elijah Crane
  2. A Masquerade Ball
  3. The Rowing Race with many
  4. Votes for Women! with many
  5. Just Ordinary Post-Race Drama with Wards, constables, fops, merchants, and so on

Completed Threads
  1. Box #27 as Ruby Sterling
  2. The Farmer's Wife with Alice Appleton and some slimy shoppers
  3. Clamming Up with Elijah Crane
  4. Sea Cucumber with Anne Ward
  5. A Woman Scorned
  6. All That Pitters with Mable Reynold
  7. This Time ... with Benjamin Ward
  8. A Letter to Lory Ward with Anne Ward
  9. See the Woman Riding the Golden Horse with Elijah Crane
  10. A Promise is a Promise with Ruth Longbottom and Elijah Crane

[Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png][Image: tumblr_inline_mu2c30lWb11rnr4eb.png]

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