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[Complete] [CW] Nothing Up My Sleeve [Street, Yards, and Homes]

146 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 24
Occupation: Dancer
Height: 4'11
Registered: Jul 2023

She covered her face. "I... I could be called a jezebel." The shame of it seeped into her, her cheeks reddening enough that it moved all the way to her ears. Her eyes were filling with tears. She couldn't tell what they were, really, if they were sad tears, or surprisingly joyful tears. Perhaps it was a mix of both. Either way, she started to weep, which was also normal, and now it was explained by it being a child. Her hands spread over her belly and she looked down at it with her eyes kind of wet at this point. She didn't pull away from him, but she wasn't returning the affection at the moment, but that was understandable given the situation. She was in shock still, it would take time to come to terms with what they had been told. "A baby changes everything, doesn't it?" she asked softly. "I wanted to wait a while before we got married... if that's what you wanted, I mean. But... I think it's better that we marry as soon as we are able to. It... doesn't have to be anything fancy."

164 Posts
3 Threads

Age: 21
Occupation: Ranch Hand/Bandit
Height: 5'11"
Alias: Sam, Sammy
Registered: Jul 2023

Sam smiled at her, kissing her forehead, "I was gonna marry you baby or not Cerise. An you are not a jezebel. we'll get married as soon as we can." He wiped a tear from her cheek, he had wanted to wait as well, but she was right, the baby changed everything. "An a fancy wedding might not be right for us considering neither of us really have any family. though i do think you should at least invite sue an the old man. we can make it a smaller gatherin, we do need to get you a dress though." He leaned back a little in his seat, taking in a deep breath, it had been a rather full morning already. She was right though, they both needed to slow down a little from what was happening.

146 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 24
Occupation: Dancer
Height: 4'11
Registered: Jul 2023

She moved to him then, her eyes meeting his. Then she moved to hug him, not knowing what else to do at the moment. She wanted him to hold her. She still loved him enough to give him the chance to prove what he was made of. She curled up against him assuming he would hold her. And then she would give in to crying, something that she needed very badly at the moment. She cried for a good while. It was maybe an hour before she finally pulled her face away from his neck to look at his face.

164 Posts
3 Threads

Age: 21
Occupation: Ranch Hand/Bandit
Height: 5'11"
Alias: Sam, Sammy
Registered: Jul 2023

Sam said nothing, instead just pulling her into his lap so he could cradle her while she cried. The last few days had been rough, mostly because of him and not helped by her pregnancy. So he just let her cry, stroking her arm and shoulder while she did. When she looked up at him again he just smiled, kissed her forehead and didn't let her go. "Theres a lot going on, wedding, baby, possibly moving. but don't worry about none of that today. today you rest, and we'll get started tomorrow. you've been through a lot the last few days."

146 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 24
Occupation: Dancer
Height: 4'11
Registered: Jul 2023

Her mouth found his after a time and she gently brushed hers over his. She didn't speak, didn't ask him to. She let her actions speak for her, her mouth catching his finally. And then she pulled away only to gaze into his eyes. Her hands clenched and unclenched into the fabric of his shirt.

164 Posts
3 Threads

Age: 21
Occupation: Ranch Hand/Bandit
Height: 5'11"
Alias: Sam, Sammy
Registered: Jul 2023

She didn't need to ask him to, he pressed his lips to hers, arms still around her back. He returned her gaze, she was just as pretty as she had always been, and there wasn't a lot of hesitation before he leaned forward and found her lips again, kissing her deeply. his left arm continued to support her, while the right traced up her leg, first over the fabric of her clothing, back down and then under, stroking up to her thigh.

146 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 24
Occupation: Dancer
Height: 4'11
Registered: Jul 2023

She closed her eyes and pressed her forehead against his shoulder, closing her eyes and sighing softly. She relaxed into him and nuzzled at his neck, peppering it with soft kisses before finding his lips again. Her sighs did not cease, nor did the little noises she made in appreciation for what he was doing.

164 Posts
3 Threads

Age: 21
Occupation: Ranch Hand/Bandit
Height: 5'11"
Alias: Sam, Sammy
Registered: Jul 2023

Sam cradled her in his arms, kissing her again before standing and carrying her. it would be a shame not to keep a place of their own, but the where did not matter nearly as much as the who in his life. Sam took her into their bedroom, knowing full well where this was going, and wanted her in bed when they were finished. the last few days really had been long and he was happy to forget about it for a little while and just spend time with her.

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