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The Plot

141 Posts
28 Threads

Pronouns: He/Him
Occupation: Thread Bomber & Admin
Registered: Jun 2019

Welcome to Whitby - vacation town for many a famous novelist, poet, artist, politician … and more than a few pirates, too! On a coast littered with smugglers’ alcoves and daily shipwrecks, there is no shortage of mayhem in this well-known seaside town. As one of the earlier trainlines in England, the Scarborough and Whitby Railway brings many an outsider in.

It is November, 1895*. Rumor has spread far and wide about bars of solid gold and other riches washing ashore. Was it a shipment for Her Majesty? Smugglers from beyond? What the residents, travelers, and sailors alike know is this: whatever is found is theirs for the taking.

Whether our narrators be average townspersons, hard-on-their-luck hopefuls, adventure seekers, or travelers just passing on through, there is a place to tell their stories here.

Join us, take a look at our [character creation guide], and take a look at our current [plotting opportunities].

[* Since roleplay plots tend to develop slower than real life, By Wit & Whitby’s calendar does not follow OOC month and day, but moves slower (typically one Whitby month lasts two OOC months, with exceptions for events or other circumstances). Our months function as a rough indication of time, but you are allowed to play threads that are set earlier.]

141 Posts
28 Threads

Pronouns: He/Him
Occupation: Thread Bomber & Admin
Registered: Jun 2019

It is now 1895 in our coastal, fact-meets-fictional-embellishment town!

Thus far:
  • The market is bustling with crime crime so many damned laws broken perfectly legitimate business
  • The places of worship and schools are full of pastors eyeing parishioner ass and family feuds the faithful and the mandatory
  • The beach is an excellent place to find one (1) golden coin and two kids fighting like seagulls over it, fall off a roof, and get kidnapped
  • Socialist movements, mysteriously disappearing fiancés, and the more depressing parts of the world’s oldest trade reign under many the same establishments’ roofs

As Whitby does not adhere to a strict timeline, you are still free to create your threads as far back in the past (well, the past’s past) as you like within the scope of the Victorian era.

Happy New Year, and may you find the Victorian disasters right (or should we say write) for you!

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