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[CW] The Reunion

222 Posts
9 Threads

Age: 18
Occupation: Courtesan
Registered: Dec 2021

She scoffed. "Oh aye, ye'll kick 'is arse for me and we'll run away together and ye'll look after me, aye?" she said gleefully offended. "'Ave ye 'ad a good look at me, Eugene? Have a real hard look! 'Ave ye ever seen me lookin' so fine? Why d'ye think I come to see ye now. Why d'ye think we're sittin' 'ere, ye great thickhead! I've got means. I've made me own way. I don't need ye. I've got a new man, a rich feller. Now, I can 'elp ye, when ye get out. That's why I came. But ye can't go associatin' with them anymore. They don't know about me new situation yet, and I wanna keep it that way for as long as I can."
Prisoner #26791

26 Posts
1 Thread

Pronouns: he/him
Age: 21
Occupation: Prisoner
Height: 5ft 8
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: Jan 2023

Eugene smiled "yeah I had noticed Ruth. Your looking well. I just look like shit......fuck I look like a prisoner. Of which I am" his head slumped into his hands "3 months. 3 months. And I had no idea where to turn when I got out of this place. Part of me toyed with the workhouse. Part of me toyed with the idea of the fishing boats just so I had some place to sleep"

He thought for a moment "but when I was offered the chance to train as a cobbler I jumped at the chance. Maybe do something useful with my life. Save up some cash and start up my own business. A lost soul repairing lost soles" he joked. "But I have been thinking about a fresh start. Away from the family. I honestly don't think my return would be greatly appreciated anyways. Our parents would just see another mouth to feed or not feed. How can you help me Ruth? And how can I repay you?"

222 Posts
9 Threads

Age: 18
Occupation: Courtesan
Registered: Dec 2021

Ruth looked at what what left of her brother with disgust. What a whiner. With bad ideas too. Thank God someone else had offered him something better. She had once looked up to Eugene and trusted him. Ruth had realized that she could never trust him again. She was smarter than to trust anyone but herself now that she was old enough to look after herself. But she had hoped that she could still love and respect him. She wasn't so certain.

She hesitated. "Well... I thought ye might need a place. But maybe not, now that ye got a job or som't. Anyway, I wouldn't be able to afford ye anything nice. Just somethin' that's not the streets. But like I said, ye may not need it."

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