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Softly You Whisper, You're So Sincere...
Senior Member

353 Posts
3 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 26
Occupation: Socialite
Height: 5'5"
Registered: Aug 2020

She gave a light smile. She reached over to touch his hand. "It's been a time since we've been alone together too for more than our nights. I love you and you've been so busy so I worry that you do so much. But I am glad I get to see you no matter how much time we get." She moved to pull off her gown to strip to her underthings, fully intent on taking advantage of the sea even if it was cold. It had been some time since she swam. For the moment, though, she would lay on her side on the blanket and gaze at him with loving eyes.
Senior Member

448 Posts
2 Threads

Pronouns: He, Him, His
Age: 34
Occupation: Gentleman Adventurer
Height: 6'4"
Registered: Aug 2020

"It is the unfortunate reality of being a lord. If you are taking your duties seriously, they take up quite a bit of time." Quentin said with a regretful sigh. He wasn't enamored of his position and he knew it was selfish of him to resent the demands it took on his time. The extravagant life of privilege and adventure he led was only possible thanks to his hereditary title and the wealth that came with it so he should have been more grateful but it was hard to focus on that when he'd rather focus on his wife, who had decided to strip down to be nearly naked.
Senior Member

353 Posts
3 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 26
Occupation: Socialite
Height: 5'5"
Registered: Aug 2020

She was not intent on seducing him in that moment. They were, after all, deserving of time together outside of the sheets just as much as in. She took her wifely duties quite seriously, having been raised to be a wife to someone of blue blood, which Quentin certainly qualified for in the eyes of her family now that he had married her rightfully. She wondered how her parents especially were doing, what they were up to. She bit into her lip as she kind of stared off for a moment. Things had been busy, but she was very willing to do as much as she could to help her husband not only run his estate, she would make sure he profited from her partnership. She didn't need the wealth, she wanted the opportunities for adventure.

Quentin North had brought that to her. She smiled appreciatively and patted the blanket. "Do you know what we are both in need of? A nap." She chuckled.

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