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[CW] Finding Pippa
Junior Member

20 Posts
3 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 18
Occupation: Daughter
Height: 5'7"
Alias: Kimmie
Registered: Feb 2023

She nodded absently and closed her eyes. Perhaps if she dozed for a bit, it would pass the time by faster. Except she couldn't. She sighed and pushed away from the window some. "I just want her to be alright," she muttered, watching the passing of the outskirts of London as they headed toward uncertainty.
Forestry Contractor

9 Posts
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Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 20
Occupation: Forestry Contractor
Height: 5ft 11
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: Feb 2023

Pesach nodded "I know you do and so do I!" He made himself comfortable and relaxed into his seat. He looked across to his sister "we still have 12 hours before we are in whitby. You should get some rest"

He returned to what he was reading but he couldn't concentrate on the pages as he wondered how on earth they were gonna find pippa in a town as large as whitby. He paused for a moment and thought
Junior Member

20 Posts
3 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 18
Occupation: Daughter
Height: 5'7"
Alias: Kimmie
Registered: Feb 2023

She nodded quietly and went back to watching the passing scenery. She could not fall asleep no matter how hard she tried, and it was a long trip to Whitby from London, that was certain. Whitby was not a place she had heard of, she wasn't aware of the scary things they would encounter, but she did have an imagination and was imagining something terrible having happened to her friend. "I just hope we can get to her on time," she said to herself more than anyone.
Forestry Contractor

9 Posts
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Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 20
Occupation: Forestry Contractor
Height: 5ft 11
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: Feb 2023

Pesach returned to his book for a bit more, he had managed to get back into his book & was also taking periodic glances out the window and getting his thoughts together. he wondered what his sister had planned. he wondered if she had any contacts or if they were just gonna wander the streets shouting her name? was she even still using her name? perhaps she was using an alias.

He shook those thoughts from the front of his mind and went back to thinking about the job in hand. he looked up when she spoke "we will or we will do everything we can to try, no stone will be left unturned"
Junior Member

20 Posts
3 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 18
Occupation: Daughter
Height: 5'7"
Alias: Kimmie
Registered: Feb 2023

She reached out to touch her brother's hand and said softly, "Thank you." And then smiled a sad one, one that did not reach her eyes of course. They were in for a long journey no matter the outcome. Pippa was all that mattered to her right now. She finally dozed off for a time. She would not awake until the train stopped to swap passengers. It would be like this for the rest of the trip, quiet on her part even as the train stopped here and there along the way.
Forestry Contractor

9 Posts
0 Threads

Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 20
Occupation: Forestry Contractor
Height: 5ft 11
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: Feb 2023

Pesach smiled as she squeezed his hand and relaxed with his book. He noticed his sister had dosed off and placed a blanket over her to keep her comfortable. He continued to read for a bit longer before spreading out himself and getting comfortable. He lay with his head by the door to their first class cabin and was able to lock it and close the curtains to allow them some privacy before nodding off himself.
Junior Member

20 Posts
3 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 18
Occupation: Daughter
Height: 5'7"
Alias: Kimmie
Registered: Feb 2023

The announcement of their arrival in Whitby caused her to jerk awake as the train finally came to a stop with a protesting squeal that trains made when breaking. Tobi rubbed her eyes tiredly and looked out the window to see the bustling railway station come into view. She glanced over to her brother, and if he was still asleep she'd reach over and gently jostle him as she used to when they were children. "We're here," she said, both nervous and excited.
Forestry Contractor

9 Posts
0 Threads

Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 20
Occupation: Forestry Contractor
Height: 5ft 11
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: Feb 2023

He woke with a startle "Jesus, Mary, Joseph and the little donkey!" He sat up right and looked out the window. He rubbed his eyes. "Where are we again?"
Junior Member

20 Posts
3 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 18
Occupation: Daughter
Height: 5'7"
Alias: Kimmie
Registered: Feb 2023

She woke with a start, only to realize her brother must have been startled by the whistle of the train as it pulled into Whitby and slowly came to a stop. Her heart was in her throat and she craned her neck, "Are we here? Whitby?" And there was confirmation in the form of a snarky sentence she wasn't quite sure she heard nor cared to address. She lay her hand on his arm and murmured, "We're finally here. Let us get our things and find a place to rest and eat for a time. There must be some place kosher." She hoped.

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