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[CW] Ward relatives (fishing family)

768 Posts
59 Threads
Registered: Jun 2019

[CW for underage marriage and alcoholism]

I play this nuclear fishing family consisting of:
- Benjamin Ward, father, 51
- Hannah Ward (née Hawksfield), mother, deceased
- Tom Ward, son, deceased, drowned
- Simon Ward, son, deceased, hanged for murder
- Lizzie Ward, daughter, died as an infant
- Maggie Colley, daughter, 20, married with two young children
Rose Willaby, 18, daughter, married to Andrew Willaby
- Alice Appleton, 17, daughter, married to Tobias Appleton with one newborn daughter
- Anne Ward, 15, daughter
William Ward, 13, son
- Bram Ward, 9, son
- Paul Ward, died as an infant


I imagine the Wards have loads of uncles, aunts, and cousins. Both Ben and Hannah come from fishing families, so their relatives are likely fisherfolk as well. Some relatives may have abandoned fishing and tried their luck in a different industry.

Ben’s relatives:
Ben is the second of 5 children (two boys, three girls). The father was an alcoholic, a very unpleasant man when drunk, who drank most of the income. He fell into harbour on a drunk night when Ben was nine, and drowned. After that, the family did better. Their mother was caring but strict and demanding, desiring to keep the children from following their father’s path.
Ben’s younger brother, Paul, died several years ago along with one of his sons, Matthew, and Ben's son, Tom, when their boat capsized in a storm and they drowned (Ben and his brother wouldn’t put their sons in one boat, so that not the whole family was lost in the case of calamity). Another son, Luke, who was in the boat with Ben and Simon, survived. I imagine he now works in the same boat as Ben and William Ward, though perhaps he works an own boat with his younger brothers? That’s up to you.

So that gives us:
  • Paul’s widow and Ben’s sister-in-law (name up to you) - Discuss details with Somniac, Hutchie and me. Somniac plays one daughter. Hutchie another.
  • Luke: Paul’s son who survived and may or may not help his uncle and cousin on the boat. Probably mid-twenties. - Discuss details with Somniac, Hutchie and me.
  • Paul’s other children, open for ideas. - Discuss details with Somniac, Hutchie and me.
  • Ben’s two younger sisters (names up to you), husbands, and nieces and nephews [OLDER SISTER CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE AS I HAVE TO DO SOME UPDATES].

Hannah’s relatives:
Some of the mother’s relatives come from the nearby fishing town of Robin Hood’s Bay, though some may have moved to Whitby for the better market. These relatives are open to fill in as you like. So if you have an existing character that might reasonably be related, or have a character idea, here’s a chance for a pre-existing connection.

NB: Though most characters are open to fill in as you like, please run your ideas past me before playing, so we can make sure it’s consistent with the existing characters.


Patrick Hawksfield (Hannah's niece) ~ Played by BlackAck
Loretta Ward (Paul's daughter, Ben's niece) ~ Played by Somniac
Louise Ward (Paul's daughter, Ben's niece) ~ Played by Hutchie

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