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[Open] Somniac's Disasters

141 Posts
28 Threads

Pronouns: He/Him
Occupation: Thread Bomber & Admin
Registered: Jun 2019

Hey hey. I’m a low-pressure plotser type who can be contacted by either posting here, board PM, or Discord DM. I adore comedy, adventure, cheesy drama, romance, and palate cleansers of tragedy – in that order.

Be sure to take a look at my OOC preferences to make sure our interests align. Please also note that the things and people that intrigue me fictionally often also tend to have elements of the things that horrify me IRL, and so the two are best off not confused.

All romance plots have a high chance of failure. Please don’t take it personally if our characters don’t ride happily into the sunset; I apologize in advance.

The boundaries in my profiles are for my enjoyment, and in turn a guide to what mutually enjoyable plots you can expect from me. There are exceptions, but those exceptions are negotiated, communicated, and based on established trust.

Zechariah Meijer
Born 1869 :: Bohemia – London & York :: Barrister

Current Location: A pretentious waterfront cottage in Whitby

My lawyer will hear about this:

Aslan Koç
Born 1871 :: York :: Private Eye

Current Location: A Murder Villa on the East Side

Classified Information:

Roderick Carrington
20 :: Whitby :: Blundering Student

Current Location: Between schooling and home for holidays

What oath? My brother signed that:

Credit for the basic template goes to Dun of RPG-D. Please note that this template may be altered in any way from its original form to better suit individual plot-requesting needs. If redistributing in an altered format, please include credit for the original template.
Junior Member

6 Posts
1 Thread

Pronouns: They / Them
Age: 27
Registered: Oct 2019

Ideas for you~

Roderick Carrington: Arabella Somerville is totally the opposite of blood-shy and would absolutely pester Roderick about practicing dissection with her and then try to convince him to use his medical knowledge to help her find some uses for all these damn chemicals.

Zechariah Meijer: I think it could be fun to have some sort of case where something like the William Hare and William Burke murders were going on and Davy Galloway is trying to explain how you might go about figuring out which cadavers were legal and which weren't without being too suspicious.

141 Posts
28 Threads

Pronouns: He/Him
Occupation: Thread Bomber & Admin
Registered: Jun 2019

lol this is a wonderful reminder to update my plotter

(10-05-2019, 05:08 PM)Ozfiz Wrote: Roderick Carrington: Arabella Somerville is totally the opposite of blood-shy and would absolutely pester Roderick about practicing dissection with her and then try to convince him to use his medical knowledge to help her find some uses for all these damn chemicals.

I could definitely see Roderick trying to quiz her on her dissections so he can try to do his homework without having to look at anything. He would definitely be more enthusiastic on the chemical front.

I do prefer to deal with dissection scenes as fade-to-black, and not involve scenes with dead cats or chickens for my own comfort. (Seriously. Chickens are what everyone fantasizes about pet parrots being.)

Quote:Zechariah Meijer: I think it could be fun to have some sort of case where something like the William Hare and William Burke murders were going on and Davy Galloway is trying to explain how you might go about figuring out which cadavers were legal and which weren't without being too suspicious.

Ugh, I love law intrigue. <3 As you guessed, Zechariah would not have a lot of insight into the motives or methods of those being tried. I could see him consulting with Galloway the same way one grudgingly uses a stick to fish something important that dropped into the toilet out. Whether or not he would get suspicious of him entirely depends on what's funnier how the leaves fall. If he's able to implicate people Zechariah hates, all the bett- ... er, more necessary.
Junior Member

6 Posts
1 Thread

Pronouns: They / Them
Age: 27
Registered: Oct 2019


I was thinking they'd probably have to work up to it. Very sappy plants and then those weird medical dolls and then maybe a fish.

I'm definitely pro fade to black. I think the most interesting bits are the dynamic of build up and either failure or success after. I skipped dissection in bio for a reason xD; We could also just skip the dissection entirely and have it be a looming threat basically. I don't hate the idea of a running gag where he keeps distracting her with things so they never get to dissection.

(That is the best description of a chicken I've heard in a long time XD My grandpa raises layers and show chickens and they've always been more like a pack of little dinosaurs)

Yes~ That sounds great. Davy's got sort of a weird investment in body-snatching not being as bad as murder, so he'd definitely seek out Zech to get involved. It sounds like that thread will be mostly Davy trying to impress on Zech that a) murder is definitely worse and b) he too is a rich guy and Zechariah trying to get actual useful information out of him. That sounds fun to me, does that work for you?
Junior Member

18 Posts
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Pronouns: he/him
Age: 36
Occupation: pirate captain
Height: 6'1
Registered: Dec 2019

I would love to roleplay with Frances. I am sure that Kian would be intrigued. He loves rare beauties and she's almost as tall as him. As a pirate captain whose acquired a good bit of treasure and gold he could pay her handsomely. (I hope writing here was okay. I didn't know how else to get in touch with you.

141 Posts
28 Threads

Pronouns: He/Him
Occupation: Thread Bomber & Admin
Registered: Jun 2019

(12-12-2019, 04:57 PM)Kian Kane Wrote: I would love to roleplay with Frances. I am sure that Kian would be intrigued. He loves rare beauties and she's almost as tall as him. As a pirate captain whose acquired a good bit of treasure and gold he could pay her handsomely. (I hope writing here was okay. I didn't know how else to get in touch with you.

Thanks for mentioning that! Moved your post here and linked to this post in my tracker to try and make navigation more straightforward.

lol him and I both. Frances is also a rough-and-tumble type and a character likely to be in high-risk situations, so it could certainly be an interesting dynamic. I've known a few women of similar size to her, and it certainly seemed to bring up some interesting quandaries revolving around expectations of masculinity and femininity.

Were you thinking a spontaneous meeting, such as at a saloon or in town? Or something more targeted, like one of the brothels?
Junior Member

18 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: he/him
Age: 36
Occupation: pirate captain
Height: 6'1
Registered: Dec 2019

Sorry about putting it in the wrong place. I am trying to figure things out. 
I was thinking that he would meet her at the brothel, but i wouldn't mind running up on her in a saloon or town. I'm down for whatever you want.

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