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[Complete] Stroll on beach [Harbor, Beach, and Sea]
Junior Member

9 Posts
2 Threads

Pronouns: She her
Age: 22
Occupation: Baker
Height: 5'3
Registered: Nov 2019

Elizabeth has made one true friend  since her family had moved to Whitby.  After all she has taken more of the young woman who brought bread quite often from their bakery. She was a bit younger then her so she began talking to the woman named Magi.  She was already married with two children and another on the way.

She was going to meet Magi for a gentle stroll in the beach, fresh air was meant to be good. It would be good to catch up with Magi, so she ventured toward the beach to meet Magi
Junior Member

31 Posts
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Age: 21
Occupation: Fisherman's wife
Registered: Oct 2019

Maggie was already on the beach. She was carrying a one year old girl on her hip, but stooping down now and then to collect molluscs, which she put in the basket her four year old son, John. She smiled when her friend approached. "Good to see you. She hugged her friend. The baby on her arm giggled, and then grabbed the Elizabeth's hair.
Junior Member

9 Posts
2 Threads

Pronouns: She her
Age: 22
Occupation: Baker
Height: 5'3
Registered: Nov 2019

Elizabeth saw Maggie on the beach with her children in toe , the beach was fun for children and for her as well. She was watching sea when the baby pulled her hair, Elizabeth frowned a bit at the pain but tried not to get angry at what the baby did as they couldn't help it.

Its good to see you too Magi, what a wonderful day to walk the beach.”

It was a nice sunny day, the waves seemed smooth today too.

I do love the beaches here.”
Junior Member

31 Posts
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Age: 21
Occupation: Fisherman's wife
Registered: Oct 2019

"Oh goodness!" Maggie quickly took the infant's hand and pushed it open with her thumb to release Elisabeth from Hannah's grip. "Sorry about that." She put the baby on her other hip, to keep her from reaching for Elisabeth, and rocked her a little as she started crying. "Aye, we're lucky this year." Well, it was always a dilemma. The rain was good for catching fish. But it was cold and brought sickness. Somehow they were condemned to either freeze or starve - or both, if you were very unfortunate. "How is the bakery these days?"

More importantly, was there a man her friend fancied? When did she think she would get married at last? Maggie was eager for juicy details, since she had not seen her friend for some time, and the thought of falling behind on gossip was almost too much to bear. But it would be impolite to start prying immediately.
Junior Member

9 Posts
2 Threads

Pronouns: She her
Age: 22
Occupation: Baker
Height: 5'3
Registered: Nov 2019

Elizabeth smiled trying not to act that she was that fussed about Hannah gripping her hair, after all young children couldn't control what they did.

No, no its fine really.” Elizabeth ensured lightly

Even though the sunny days felt good she knew the weather helped with how things worked around here. She watched the waves gently roll on the sand. Maggie asked her how the bakery was, she had a to admit that the bakery was going well, they had business every day.

We are doing well, I am kept quite busy by it.”
Junior Member

31 Posts
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Age: 21
Occupation: Fisherman's wife
Registered: Oct 2019

Maggie nodded and smiled. She stooped down to pick up a mollusk and she put it in John's basket. The boy, meanwhile, was looking around more enthusiastically than his mother and had already gathered several. Tonight, they would prepare the fish lines for the next day and the mollusks would serve as bait. Maggie had been doing this for as long as she could remember, and as soon as John had been able to walk, she had made him help. Every child needed to learn early to make him or herself useful. "Any interesting customers lately?" Maggie asked.
Junior Member

9 Posts
2 Threads

Pronouns: She her
Age: 22
Occupation: Baker
Height: 5'3
Registered: Nov 2019

Elizabeth looked at some of the rock pools as they walked the beach sometime you could see small animals in them like starfish or crabs but today she wasn't so lucky.

Although Maggie asked her if she had any interesting customers lately, he had to admit she had a few interesting interacting with Gabriel but nothing much else had happened as of late.

“Well I had Gabriel visit the shop but nothing else has happened as of late.” She said disappointed

She had wanted some more excitement as of late, it felt like all she did was work in the bakery and then spent free time walking the beach or drinking.
Junior Member

31 Posts
2 Threads

Age: 21
Occupation: Fisherman's wife
Registered: Oct 2019

That caught her attention. "Who is Gabriel?" She asked with eager interest. If she referred to him by first name, she had to know him well, which meant a potential match. There was little excitement in Maggie's life, so town gossip was her only indulgence.

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