By Wit & Whitby
[Complete] Let Me Give You Some Advice [Doctors, Constabulary, and Court] - Printable Version

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Let Me Give You Some Advice [Doctors, Constabulary, and Court] - Arthur McPadraic - 08-11-2022

An elegant white barouche, with blue seating and drawn up hood halted in front of the police station. When its footman had jumped down and opened the door, a blonde middle-aged man rose from under the hood. He paused. Stone grey eyes scrutinized the building. Then he took his cane, stepped down and marched into the police station with determination.

One of the constables, the one with a big moustache, a big belly, and currently one button of his uniform missing – the aristocratic visitor could not remember his name. Was it ‘Ward’? – was leaning on a high desk, holding a coffee cup, and yawning over some notes he was making. He quickly straightened up when he saw who had just entered, spilling coffee over his already shabby uniform.

“Lord McPadraic. What can I do for you?” he said, sheepishly stepping behind the desk in a futile attempt to cover up the coffee stain.

Lord McPadraic had watched the scene with great displeasure and he resolved not to tolerate this slop any longer than he had to.

“I heard you have a new sergeant. And there should be an inspector coming in as well. Has he arrived? I’d like to speak to him, or the sergeant if he’s not here yet,” he said with the confidence and ease of a man who was used to saying: ‘I want to talk to your manager’.

RE: Let Me Give You Some Advice - Chester Munro - 08-15-2022

Chester had only been in whitby a few days and was settling in nicely. His house was away from the usual Constabulary houses so it didn't arouse suspicion when he moved into it

He had taken to walking the streets in plain clothes for the past few days to blend in and be able to find his bearings around the town before walking to the Constabulary building today.

He had his greatcoat on over the top of his black trousers, waist coat and white shirt. His father's pocket watch chain went from his button hole into his pocket and he wore a black bowler hat. He enjoyed the brisk morning walk and fresh air as he made his way to the constabulary.

He turned the street of the Constabulary and noticed a motor car sat outside the station with a footman waiting at the door. These were getting more and more common. He made his way along the cobbled street and walked up the entrance to hear from within "I want to talk to your manager" and with that he walked through the door.

He turned and placed his bowler hat and greatcoat onto the hooks waiting by the door for uniforms to dry out. He continued to walk with his walking stick and addressed the constable. "Constable Wood, can you see to it that Sargeant Maclellan joins us" before turning to the Lord waiting by the desk "Cheif Inspector Chester Munro, Whitby Constabulary, How may I help?" He leaned his weight onto his walking stick taking the pressure off one foot.

RE: Let Me Give You Some Advice - Arthur McPadraic - 08-16-2022

Whoever the motorcar belonged to - a certain Hawaiian-Scottish aristocrat? -, it wasn't his. But if it would still be there when he got back, Arthur would probably decide to take his own into town next time, lest anyone should think he was behind in fashion.

Arthur turned around, while the constable behind him scampered with a "Yes sir." It had to be a funny view, two middle aged men, well dressed and with an air of being in charge, leaning on their cane and looking at one another. Arthur couldn't find fault with him on first view - other than him not wearing a uniform - and he wasn't planning on starting out on wrong terms with the inspector himself. He was here because he hoped to find allies and improve this town.

"Lord Arthur McPadraic," he introduced himself. "I've been involved in local government and am delighted to see that they have finally managed to put together a decent police team. I must have written and gone up to London a hundred times just to tell them we need reinforcement. You have no idea what we've suffered under..." He stopped himself and smiled. "But I will not trouble you with all that. You're here. I came to welcome you," because obviously it was his town, "and to let you know that if there is anything I can help with in terms of resources or information, I would be happy to help. And to call your attention to a project I run to help street children. But perhaps we should wait until the Sergeant is here." He smiled pleasantly in a way that was probably unpleasant to look at.

RE: Let Me Give You Some Advice - Chester Munro - 08-16-2022

Chester once more spoke "a pleasure to make your aquantiance" he saw him looking at the cane when he shifted his weight "apologies for the walking cane. It helps with the pain in my leg" he moved over to the desk and leaned against it to help him "its a gunshot wound to the leg that I received many years ago on the beat as a young sargeant the same as Alasdair"

Chester turned round leaning his back against the desk and continued once more "Ah yes the short time sargeant who was counting the days till retirement you mean" he smiled "i can assure you that this place will be run differently and not by me. Sargeant Maclellan was the main pick to come here. He missed out on being awarded the Constabulary Gallantry medal up north due to being to modest to accept it, hes handcrafting this place into a model for the future!" He smiled "we all appreciate you coming down here to greet us, but we will wait till the scotsman joins us and continue this discussion"

RE: Let Me Give You Some Advice - Alasdair Maclellan - 08-16-2022

Alasdair had not long returned to the station and had removed his tunic in the bathroom while running the cold water over his face to waken up a little more. It had been a long slow morning and it wasn't long before Wood had found him

"Alasdair, Lord McPadraic and Inspector Munro, are waiting for you in reception" Alasdair sighed before replying "alright mate, ill go speak to them........and sew that button on your tunic. Theres spare buttons and a sewing kit in the top drawer of my desk"

Alasdair squared himself away once more and put on his tunic. He made sure his own tunic was ok before grabbing his hat and quickly nipping by the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee as he knew the kettle would have been boiled.

His desk sat behind the main reception along with most of the others. He made his way to his desk placing the file he had been carrying along with his hat on the desk aswell as his mug. He slid open the desk pulling out an army ration back he had bought surplus which contained a housewife, spare buttons and a uniform brush and handed the bag to Wood "go square yourself away before heading out on the beat"

He walked over to the desk where both Arthur and Chester stood "apologies gentleman, his new tunics are at the tailors along with everyone else's and we will be receiving them in the next week. What how can I help?

RE: Let Me Give You Some Advice - Arthur McPadraic - 08-16-2022

Arthur hadn't been staring at the cane in particular but he nodded. "I'm sorry to hear. No need to apologize. I have great respect for those who risk their lives to keep us save and I can only thank you for your service." Those who loafed around or hid from problems like that good for nothing Crane however... "And I am happy to hear the new sergeant is so capable."

Speaking of the devil. Arthur turned to the newcomer. "Ah, sergeant Maclellan, I presume. Lord Arthur McPadraic, pleased to make your acquaintance. As I was just telling inspector Munro, I have been involved in local government and have moved heaven and earth trying to make this place better and saver. I am delighted to hear the police force is in good hands now at last. I came to see if my knowledge of the town or resources might be of any help, as well as to call your attention to my project to help street children. I need the police to assist us, and so far I'm afraid we've been held back by the force's... cowardice and inertia." Not mentioning any names of course.

RE: Let Me Give You Some Advice - Chester Munro - 09-24-2022

Chester smiled "i have done a fair few years in the force and I have a few to go and I'm interested to see where the young sargeant takes this force."

He nodded once Alasdair had appeared "good to see you again Alasdair I hope your keeping well!"

He listed intently to what the Lord was saying but he waited on Alasdair to continue

RE: Let Me Give You Some Advice - Alasdair Maclellan - 09-24-2022

Alasdair nodded "indeed I am, but please call me Alasdair sir, a pleasure to make your aquantiance" deep down he already knew about the Lord. Thankfully he had a good team around him and they had pulled there knowledge together to help Alasdair and Jamie when they arrived.

Alasdair placed his hand on the table to take his weight before picking up his mug "i was asked to come here to reshape this place. They gave me space to expand and rebuild this place and I have. We have a good team here and it just needed a push in the right direction"

Alasdair tilted his head "your project sir?" Although he knew about it. He wanted to know more from the Lord himself

RE: Let Me Give You Some Advice - Arthur McPadraic - 09-29-2022

How was anyone supposed to respect the police force if constables insisted on people using their Christian names as though they had been friends for years? But Arthur maintained a polite smile and nodded.

"Of course," he answered, when the sergeant described his team. Incapable dimwits and cowardly pushovers was the description the baron would choose, but it was too early in their acquaintance to make suggestions.

Arthur leaned on his cane with both hands and stared at the floor as he considered his words. "It's a project intended to achieve two desirable outcomes at the same time. You see? Over the years this town has seen a rise in crime and drunkenness and all kinds of impropriety. This is bad enough as it is, but these people also neglect their children, or worse, encourage them to beg or steal." He looked up. "I needn't tell you what those children will grow up to be. They'll be tomorrow's drunks, thiefs and worse.

"And it's not just these poor innocent children who are suffering. Ordinary hardworking people, business owners, worry about the state of the town and what it will do with the tourism, and their businesses. There's far too many ragged children in the streets these days. And too many reports of pickpockets, people being mugged, violence, prostitution. I'm sorry to say the police has been rather ineffective. Have you come across the name Longbottom, by any chance?" That question was pretty much rhetorical, but it couldn't hurt to rub it in and get his point across.

RE: Let Me Give You Some Advice - Alasdair Maclellan - 12-22-2022

Alasdair nodded as he listed "sadly my lord that is not just a problem here. I've been in touch with constables, sargeants and inspectors all up and down the country who I've worked alongside and they are saying it seems to be a problem everywhere. Sadly with this depression alot of people are struggling"

He stroked his chin "but you are correct. The crime rate has risen in this town over the past few years and likely because the last sargeant was merely counting the days till he retired. I aim to turn this place around and on its head"

Both Alasdair and Chester nodded before Alasdair spoke once more. "I've come across the name but haven't had any dealings with the family"