By Wit & Whitby
[Complete] [CW] First class to whitby.... [Streets, Yards, and Homes] - Printable Version

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First class to whitby.... [Streets, Yards, and Homes] - William St. Clair - 07-10-2022

William had gotten the sleeper from London to whitby and thankfully it had been quiet during the night so he had been able to get some sleep on the train journey up.

The porter had made his bed for the evening and he had grabbed a light breakfast of scrambled egg on toast. He had never been so glad to get home after spending two weeks working away in London to establish a store. Thankfully and hopefully this should be his last trip unless he had to go sort something out.

Right now his thoughts drifted to his true love, Beth would be waiting for him at home with the kids. It was time to have some family time and unwind a little before getting back into work in the next week or two.

His steamer trunk didn't weight much which was lucky. Just his clothes and something for the boys. He had sent that ahead to avoid trying to get it back to the house. He only had his valise bag with him which had enough for two days.

He made his way along the streets rather quickly which was surprising as he was lost in his thoughts when he realised he was turning the street towards his house.

RE: First class to whitby.... - Bess St. Clair - 07-12-2022

The shop was closed today and Bess was pleased to have a little time to spend at home. Running the store on her own was exhausting. She could hardly wait until William returned from London. It felt as if the most important part of her was missing. She still reached for him every morning when she woke up, but of course his place was always empty. Hopefully he would be staying home for good once the new shop was established.

She sat in a rocking chair reading a book. The boys were upstairs playing and she could hear the hum of their voices. Stephanie was with her governess. As usual, she had complained about having to study while her cousins were out of school. Bess had gently reminded her that if she had not missed so much school while traipsing around a stage, she would have been free during the summer too. Parenting was also easier with William by her side.

She had been reading for about half an hour when one of the maids came rushing into the parlor, carrying a wet rag that was dripping over the floor. “The master is home, ma’am!” she exclaimed. “I seen him while cleaning the window!”

Bess jumped out of her chair and hurried to the front door, flinging it open. And there he was, her beloved husband, approaching the house. “William!” she exclaimed. Pulling up the hem of her skirt, she ran over to him and threw herself in his arms.

RE: First class to whitby.... - William St. Clair - 07-12-2022

William had enjoyed the walk. He had just about reached his front door when he heard the door open and the footsteps running towards him.

At last he was home again. Back with Bess and the boys. Within a moment she was back in his arms and it felt like he had never left. Leaving was always the hardest part but between the shop and the army it was what had to be done. He was lucky he was able to attend drill nights with the local militia but annual camp was always with his regiment the London Scottish for two weeks.

He leaned forward and kissed her on the lips and followed it with multiple more before finally speaking "I've missed you my dear, its been too long apart" he had hoped this was his last trip away this year. He has been away for 2 weeks with the army in July before being home again a week and heading away to open the store in London.

His hand found her face and he lightly ran his fingers along it before tilting her head back slightly and kissing her again. "I think the next trip.........involves you and the kids and two weeks away someplace nice"

RE: First class to whitby.... - Bess St. Clair - 07-20-2022

It felt so wonderful to be wrapped in William’s embrace again.  Bess relished the moment, enjoying his kisses and returning them with equal enthusiasm.  He had been gone so long, first with the army and then opening the new store.  They had only a week between his trips and that had not been long enough.  One day without him was too long for her.

“I missed you too,” she whispered against his lips.  “I finally feel like I am whole again.”  Many people had predicted that their marriage would be a disaster because they married so soon after his first wife passed away and they were fourteen years apart in age.  Yet, twelve years and two and a half children later, their relationship was stronger than it had ever been.  And she had every reason to believe that William felt the same.

Bess entwined her arms around his neck and pressed herself as close against him as possible, wishing she could be even closer.  But that would have to wait until tonight when the kids were in bed.  Once they found out their father was home, they probably wouldn’t want to leave him alone.  A lot had happened while he was gone that they would want to tell him about.

She smiled as he tilted her head up and kissed her once again.  “That would be divine,” she replied.  Pulling away slightly, Bess took his hand and placed it on her softly rounded belly.  It was still a bit too early to feel it kick.  “Has she grown since last you saw her?”  She always referred to their unborn child as female, as she was hoping for a girl this time.  However, she would still be thrilled with another boy.  All that mattered was that it was healthy.

RE: First class to whitby.... - William St. Clair - 07-21-2022

William smiled as she put his hand on her stomach. He never thought he would have another child after the first 4 but a 5th was a surprise but he didn't mind if it was a boy or a girl aslong as it was healthy......and took thier looks from their mother.

He didn't tell bess but he always carried multiple photos of her and the kids when he was away.
Her photo took pride of place on his desk in his army campaign set and even though he wasn't the religious type it was also in his army bible. He hoped that if anything happened to him. God would look after her and the kids.

He thought for a moment "she has definitely grown since I was last home" he tilted his head slightly "my next business trip is north but its something i think you might be interested in. We have to design jewellery for the wife of the Duke of Atholl. Perhaps you and the kids would like to come and you can design the jewellery"

His hand moved slightly and his hand clasped her fingers "shall we move inside?"

RE: First class to whitby.... - Bess St. Clair - 08-12-2022

William’s news shocked Bess and she squeezed his hand. Her hazel eyes widened and it was all she could do to keep her jaw from dropping to the floor. She knew their jewelry was popular among the upper class but to be asked to design jewelry for a Duke’s wife! That was an honor she had not expected but it pleased her immensely. Commissions weren’t rare, but so far none had come from such a high-status noble.

“That’s wonderful!” she exclaimed. “But oh! What shall I wear? I suppose I shall have to have a few more gowns made. There is nothing in my wardrobe suitable for meeting a Duchess.” The dark-haired woman laughed and shook her head. “Listen to me, thinking about nothing but clothes. But that is your answer, my love. We will all go with you, and I shall work with the Duchess to create a design that fits her style.

“It will also be good for Stephanie. She’s been running a bit wild lately.” Eventually Bess would have to tell him about the fight their niece had gotten into at the regatta party. Her cuts and bruises were still healing. But that could wait. William’s homecoming should be a time of joy.

She interlaced her fingers with his. “I suppose we should,” she sighed. “The children will be happy …”


Bess chuckled as the boys ran up to their father and hugged him. They had probably saw him arrive from the window in their upstairs bedroom. Stephanie was not with them, which didn’t surprise her.

“We missed you, Papa,” Will said.

“Did you bring us presents?” James asked.

RE: First class to whitby.... - William St. Clair - 08-15-2022

William smirked at the the mention of clothes "already ordered and they will be here with my luggage when it arrives" he knew his wife's taste better than his own and it would be rude not to bring her something nice back from London. He knew about the trip north and figured new attire would be a worthwhile investment

He smiled "i was planning on taking Stephanie anyways it would be rude to leave her here. She's been through alot and a change of scenery would do her some good"

His fingers soon found there rightful place. Interlaced with bess as they made their way inside.

Within seconds he had both boys wrapped around them and it felt good to be home "god youve grown!" He teased "im sure you weren't able to walk when I left" he continued to speak "I missed you both too and yes there is presents James but you will have to wait till my luggage gets here in as"

RE: First class to whitby.... - Bess St. Clair - 08-31-2022

“You think of everything.”  Bess gave William another kiss.  He knew her tastes as well as she herself did, and she was certain that the gowns he had picked out would please her.  And it was fun to be surprised with new clothes.

She had never even considered that he would leave Stephanie behind.  The girl was his niece and she was now part of their family, whether she liked it or not.  Sometimes Bess saw a wild look in her eyes and feared she might run off to London again and become involved in that theatre William had found her in.

Stephanie seemed to be torn between the aristocratic privilege into which she had been born and the life of a street rat that had been thrust upon her.  Now she was living between the two extremes but being subtly pushed toward the former.  She was a wealthy heiress and eventually needed to embrace that destiny.

They went inside the house.  They had only just moved in when William had left and now Bess hoped it looked more like a home.  She had added a lot of personal touches and added to their furnishings with new pieces that she had bought.

Will rolled his eyes at his father’s teasing.  “I haven’t grown that much, but James still can’t walk.”  Playfully he punched his little brother’s arm.  James stumbled slightly and then quickly regained his balance.  “See?”

“No fair!” James protested.  He launched himself at Will, who deftly stepped aside, causing the younger boy to stumble again.

“Be nice, boys,” Bess admonished.  “Or you won’t get any gifts at all.”

Within seconds, the boys looked like perfect little angels, smiling up at their father.  “What was London like, Papa?” Will asked.

RE: First class to whitby.... - William St. Clair - 09-24-2022

Before William had even had a chance to think Bess had both children in line for their behaviour giving her a little side eye and smile. He could use someone like her in his regimental company as a sargeant major he quietly thought to himself.

He turned his head slightly towards Bess and spoke "did my campaign equipment arrive from the army that I had at annual camp with me? Theres also another order in there for Lord Elcho. He wants a piece made for his anniversary aswell"

He looked to his kids once more. "I can show you a little later if you like? Once my luggage gets here I got some pictures and I can show you?"

He sighed "but first some food and a hot bath i think are in order, I need a decent soak as I've not had one in months"

RE: First class to whitby.... - Bess St. Clair - 10-31-2022

“Yes, it did,” Bess replied when William asked about his equipment. “It’s in the storage room.” Sometimes it was difficult to believe that they had a house with its own room to store things in. She kept a few things of her own in it as well as the clothing and toys the children had outgrown, which would eventually be given to the poor.

“Another order?” Her eyes lit up. “It seems we are going to be quite busy at the shop.” They were definitely moving up in the world and Bess loved working with William nearly as much as she loved being married to him.

Both boys were excited at the prospect of seeing pictures of London. At William’s admission that he would like food and a bath, she told Will and James to go back upstairs and play. After their father’s luggage arrived, they would be called. They hugged their father again and ran up the stairs. Luckily, they said nothing about Stephanie’s absence. That news could wait until later when William had rested from his long journey.

“I instructed the cook to prepare a meal for you,” she said, entwining her fingers with his again. “You know where the bathroom is.” Bess smiled teasingly. “Do you need any assistance with your bath?”