By Wit & Whitby
[Complete] Not To Worry [Churches, Abbey, and Schools] - Printable Version

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Not To Worry [Churches, Abbey, and Schools] - Mable Reynolds - 06-18-2022

Hot days like this were the worst to be outside, especially in the sun.

But, Mable rarely had better things to do, and she'd grown up in the sun after all.  Freckles upon freckles upon freckles upon her skin were evidence enough of that.

Today in particular, Mable made certain she was doing nothing all day, so she could spend the whole day long just down the street of St. Hilda's.  She was on the lookout for a particular priest that she had not seen in too long.  Father Brennan hadn't been present for church service on Sunday for at least two weeks in a row, not to mention the days between then, and going to long without seeing him made Mable anxious.

But staying outside for so long with nothing to do made her bored.  The sun beat down on her, and all she could do was sit on the street with her head in her hands, eyes glued to the doors of the church.  In her lap was her bible, and in her mind was Father Brennan, and all the fun things they'd do once she found him.

RE: Not To Worry - Nettie Brennan - 06-20-2022

Nettie had read the note left to her several times. Finally she'd had tears in her eyes and left it on her dresser. She didn't want to call him selfish because he did so much for the community, church, and her. But hadn't she asked for such simple things? Talk to her? Let her know if he was leaving? Was it so much to ask? She was prepared to ignore the note. Let him know how it felt , but she couldn't ignore the poor girl who was probably alone and needed some help. If her brother was working and he merely paid for the room, how was she getting food?

She had gone to the inn but there was no one there. So she'd wandered and found herself by the church where a girl sat. It was a stretch, but she decided to give it a try. "Hello?" She asked to the young girl and knelt down to hopefully catch her attention. "Are you ah.. Mable, by any chance? I am Father Brennan's niece. "

RE: Not To Worry - Mable Reynolds - 06-21-2022

This woman was definitely and decidedly not Father Brennan, but Mable tore her gaze away from the church doors to look at her as she approached regardless.  And a good thing too, because she invoked the man's name a moment later.  Mable's eyes went wide and she stood, her bible falling as she stared down at the new woman.

"Father Brennan!  Where is he?  Does he know I've been looking for him for days now?  I'm Mable, who are you?"

RE: Not To Worry - Nettie Brennan - 06-21-2022

Relief fell over her as she walked over and knelt down to pick up the bible for the girl. She brushed off the dirt and handed it over with a small smile. "I'm Nettie Brennan, his niece. You may call me Nettie, if you like." The woman stood and a troubled look came over her face as she looked down at Mable. The girl seemed distressed she couldn't find him and it made her wonder even more why the man just left so suddenly. He didn't mention being in trouble, but then after all she learned...

Nettie sighed and put a hand to her temple. "I'm sorry, he left town. I do not know why or when.. or if.. he'll even be back. But I am here to help you out if you will let me. I can understand if you are disappointed, this is honestly not like how he used to be."

RE: Not To Worry - Mable Reynolds - 06-21-2022

Mable took the bible quickly, holding it close to her chest as Nettie introduced herself.  The girl nodded in greeting, a nervous smile on her face as she watched Nettie's fall.

It took a long moment for the information offered to reach Mable.  She blinked, and blinked again, head tilting as her eyes strayed away from Nettie to the church again.

Left... town.

"I see," Mable said eventually, her voice distant.  "But really, I think you are mistaken, Ms. Nettie.  Father Brennan - he... I don't think he would leave Whitby.  He lives here, you know?  Why would he leave?"

RE: Not To Worry - Nettie Brennan - 06-22-2022

Nettie patiently waited for the girl to speak and her smile fell a little. How she wanted to believe her. "I hope you're right and he does come back. I just worry too much." She said softly and looked down. "But anyway.." She stood straight and looked up at the church, resisting any urge to frown as she wondered if it was the church that was driving him away since he seemed unhappy with it lately. The blond looked back down at the girl. "I hope you will let me help you. It is nice meeting you." She held out her hand, hoping Mable would shake it. "May i ask why you were wanting to see him? If you need anything, I am here to help in his place. At least to do my best!"

RE: Not To Worry - Mable Reynolds - 06-22-2022

It was a moment before Mable noticed the hand offered to her, and another before she took it.  She did not shake it; just held it in her own small and delicate grip.

"Help me... yes, yes, you can help me."  Slowly, Mable's voice regained its energy, but she still couldn't look at Nettie again.

"I heard - I'm not sure if it's true, but I heard the priests stay in special rooms inside the church.  Do you know how to get there?  Maybe Father Brennan is in his room.  I'd like to go check."

It was the one place she hadn't yet.  Mable was still nervous to talk to anyone in the church but Father Brennan, but Nettie was his niece, she had said so herself!  So, she must know where he was.

Impatient, Mable started towards the church, pulling Nettie with her.

"It's been weeks since I last saw him, so I need to see him very soon.  Its really very important that I do.  Come, come on!"

RE: Not To Worry - Nettie Brennan - 06-22-2022

Nettie was glad she took her hand, but the words hit her and she bit her lip as she struggled not to frown. Damn you Malachi... to let this poor girl down. She needed him so desperately.

"I.." She sighed and walked with her towards the presbytery. "We can try.. He wrote me a letter saying he was in London. But, maybe he has come back?" She offered with a small smile, though she knew the truth. "If he isn't there and you need a priest, perhaps Father Richards can help?" She didn't know the story of why he was demoted, but he was here when no one else was. That counted for something. "He doesn't seem so bad to me."

RE: Not To Worry - Mable Reynolds - 06-22-2022

London!  Well, Mable didn't believe that for a second.  What business did Father Brennan have in London?  None, that's what!  There was no letter, he hadn't left, Nettie really was mistaken.

"I don't need a priest," she mumbled, letting go of the woman's hand to open the church doors.  "Do you know where to go from here?  I've only ever..."

Mable trailed off, looking around inside the church.  Her fingers clenched around her bible, and after a moment, she open the book and flipped through the pages.  Many of them had drawings scribbled over the words and passages - most of them, in fact.  Scratchy drawings of flowers and animals and people and other things, hard to distinguish, covered the pages of the bible.

"Could you lead me to Father's room?  I need to check something in here, but I'm following."

RE: Not To Worry - Nettie Brennan - 06-22-2022

Nettie was surprised when the girl just walked inside and wondered what she could want. "Wait, I.." She wouldn't walk in without permission, it felt like breaking in. Especially since he wasn't here, and the girl didn't believe her! Her hands nervously gripped her skirt as she followed her. "It.. I.." She didn't know. She had never seen it. Nettie gave him his privacy and space and had let him use a hotel when she found him that time. This was frustrating but she followed the girl. When they got to the living space, she wanted to stop her and knock for someone.

As soon as they got to it though, the door swung open.