By Wit & Whitby
[Complete] [CW] Let me see [Streets, Yards, and Homes] - Printable Version

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Let me see [Streets, Yards, and Homes] - Chéri - 04-26-2022

It had been a while since Chéri had last been here. Probably Darius needed to let the oil dry for a bit, probably Chéri themselves had been very busy with settling into their new life at the Pony, the point was they hadn’t had a posing session in a while, but they were going to remedy that. Now that they had a little more money and a little more knowledge of the place, Chéri chose to wear less flaboyant things, at least superficially and could go around in a slightly more discreet fashion. They had rung and were currently waiting for Darius to open his room’s door.

RE: Let me see - Darius Carrington - 04-26-2022

Darius opened the door and smiled seeing Cheri. "You've returned! I almost worried I'd lost my model." He chuckled lightly and ushered him in. "I hope you've been well.." He said as he was already going to gather the material and push the loveseat back to it's spot to bask in the light from the window. This painting was exactly what he needed. He'd been stressed about the will, his family, Sonia. He wanted something to distract him and there was nothing better.

"You're looking fantastic!" He pulled his easel into place and was grabbing his paints when he looked back over at them.

RE: Let me see - Chéri - 05-01-2022

Chéri blinked a few times and then smiled adorably, as they knew to do. They nodded “I am very well indeed, you needn’t worry. I was just adjusting to my new life. It takes a while, you know? Always so much to do…” they confessed, shaking their heads. Chéri seemed pretty surprised at that compliment. They thought they were losing a lot of their charm, stating to look less refined and more common now that so many of the luxury of their former life were lost.

“Don’t I always?” was their answer instead, as they started to take off their clothes “and how are you, Darius?”

RE: Let me see - Darius Carrington - 05-01-2022

Darius nodded as he led Cheri in and looked apologetic. "Of course, I do not mean to make you feel rushed. You should take your time. I do hope you're settling in alright." He actually had no idea how hard it was, he'd never moved out of his home.

He nodded in agreement as he made sure everything was set up right. "Of course, you are always perfect. Sorry, it has just been a while." He admitted before getting to position to paint and looked over. "Ah.. I've also been's been complicated." He didn't want to bother cheri with the troubles of his life. He also worried it would sound like boasting or something, though it was not meant to be!

RE: Let me see - Chéri - 05-17-2022

Darius apologised before Chéri could really request it and this made them bend their head to the side, with a curious expression. They blinked twice “I will manage, thank you.” they never shared their difficulties with their nomadic life, especially not with someone they knew so little.

Chéri laughed again a little “Perfect for what?” they asked, under their breath, as they got rid of their vest. “What have you been busy with?” Chéri seemed intentioned to give vague answers but not to accept them. Plus, Chéri had already learnt a great deal and was curious to hear the other side of the story.

RE: Let me see - Darius Carrington - 05-18-2022

Darius looked pleased at the response , "Of course. If there is difficulty, you know where to find me." He offered a weak smile as he started to prepare his paints. He cared to help his muse but he had a lot going on, so it was nice to hear that Cheri had things under control.

The question had him pause as his head tilted similarly. "Perfect to look at and to paint!" A soft laugh came from him as he looked around the canvas and stared at the other for a moment to make sure it looked the same and everything was right. As he contemplated an answer, he picked a paint and disappeared around the easel to start painting. "Family matters.." That was for the most part true. Even Sonia could be considered a family matter since she had such a deep connection to his dead brother, right?

RE: Let me see - Chéri - 05-25-2022

Darius was sweet but Chéri knew half of the times those words were said, even by sweet people, they meant nothing. “Thank you. You haven’t come to find me at the Pony, instead. Do you not visit often?” Chéri was interested in collecting more stories, in gathering a better understanding of the current dynamics in…whatever it was Darius and Sonia had going on.

Chéri smiled, please “Perfect,” they confirmed. “I can do other things too, though,” they specified, without dwelling too much on that. Darius concentrated on other things. “Family matters.” Chéri repeated, with a vague suspicion of knowing what sorts of family matters they were talking about. “How do you feel about that? Taking that sort of responsibility. Do you see yourself as a family man?” a courtesan was 50% therapist most of the time, more when they were around shy men like Darius.

RE: Let me see - Darius Carrington - 05-25-2022

Darius paused before he'd even put brush to paint by the question. "I've never visited the Pony before.. until recently when I was summoned. I'm sorry I had a lot on my mind, I didn't think about it. And don't want to bother you if you're busy. " He said slowly. How much did Chéri know? It would make sense if they knew Sonia, she owned the place after all now right?

He looked down at his work and tried to focus on the painting and nodded in agreement. "You can dance. I am sure you have many other skills..." the next question almost sent his paint brush skidding across the canvas and ruin his hard work.

He was quiet for a moment as his thoughts were confirmed as he set down the brush."You know a lot." He smiled weakly but didn't grab it again. What could he say? It would certainly come back to reach Sonia. "I..don't know." Was all he could think to say before grabbing at the brush again to continue.

RE: Let me see - Chéri - 05-29-2022

Chéri blinked at few times. Darius didn’t strike them as either stupid nor bigot, but he was definitely a very innocent man. Yet he seemed to have a lot of things clear. So their answer was simple and direct “Why?” they asked. Chéri did not make any effort to let Darius guess just how much they knew about Sonia and about their situation. They stayed there, with their beautiful doll face and waited.

Chéri made their smile big and bright, the sort of smile that stunned people “I do. Would you like to guess which?” it was a game they played often, sometimes innocently, sometimes not.

Chéri had meant something very different from what Darius had understood, but they didn’t say it explicitly, they bent their head to the side. Chéri sighed slowly. “Fear?” they had just decided to figure out where the shyness came from, exactly.

RE: Let me see - Darius Carrington - 05-29-2022

Darius tilted his head curiously though it couldn't be seen by Chéri. "Why what?" He asked as it could have referred to many things in his statement.

With slight smile, he looked ahead at the canvas as he tried to paint. "Well.. i think with your voice. Maybe you sing? Did you mention being able to play an instrument? I can't remember? Or able to cook like a chef? Those are all good skills..." he guessed as he kept his ideas innocent.

He frowned as the other tried to guess and his hand drooped. "I ..guess. I am afraid. I fear failure. Abandonment. Resentment from her or the kids or myself if I find I am not cut out what's wanted from me. I never knew what I wanted in life Chéri. I ... don't know what I could be good at. I'm not good with people, I know. That's why I'm here. And I'm good at this. Maybe not great yet...but I'm good. So that's why I do this." He sounded immediately depressed at the topic.