By Wit & Whitby
[Complete] Always the bigger fish [Market, Shops and Spas] - Printable Version

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Always the bigger fish [Market, Shops and Spas] - Noah Longbottom - 02-02-2020

If he was going to be in trouble with the constable and forced to leave town anyway, Noah might as well get himself some money for on the way. He had done some petty pickpocketing in the past, but that didn't earn a lot. Clever people didn't carry too much change in their outer pockets. And so the boy had gone home, and taken a knife from the kitchen and was now sitting in an alley in the dark, waiting for a fool to pass. When one did, he stepped out and held up the knife.

RE: Always the bigger fish - Anthony Rowe - 02-02-2020

It was rather lucky for Noah, then, that a fool passed by the alley—however, that fool was Anthony, so maybe not that lucky, really. The sheer unexpectedness of some guy stepping out of an alley and holding up a knife to you made Anthony flinch, and he leaned backwards, wanting to get out of stabbing range. 

"Oh. Hey," he greeted, his tone casual but his way of presenting himself and his expression betrayed anxiety. For some reason, he had expected himself to be able to deal with this better, considering that he does the shit this guy is doing for a living, but he's still kind of shocked right now. Oof.

RE: Always the bigger fish - Noah Longbottom - 02-02-2020

Noah stepped towards the man to keep him in stabbing-range. The fact that the man seemed frightened was encouraging. He was doing this the right way. "Give me all your valuables," he ordered in a low, hopefully threatening voice.

RE: Always the bigger fish - Anthony Rowe - 02-02-2020

Anthony took one single but very large step backwards. "Why?" The more time he had to process the situation, the more he calmed down. He was still a bit frightened, but this is his whole thing—mugging people like this guy does. He'll be fine, really.

RE: Always the bigger fish - Noah Longbottom - 02-02-2020

"Because I'll stab ye if ye won't!" This chicken super wouldn't.

RE: Always the bigger fish - Anthony Rowe - 02-02-2020

Though Anthony wasn't very keen on being shanked in the kidney, he also liked to take risks. And he wasn't about to hand away all his money like that, and if this guy wasn't bluffing, he'd stab him in that case as well. So, like, whatever. "Go ahead."

RE: Always the bigger fish - Noah Longbottom - 02-02-2020

"What?" Noah nearly dropped his knife.

RE: Always the bigger fish - Anthony Rowe - 02-02-2020

Anthony had to hold himself back from laughing. If he actually gets stabbed then that's unfortunate, but at least it was funny. "I said 'go ahead'."

RE: Always the bigger fish - Noah Longbottom - 02-02-2020

Noah looked around. This wasn't part of the script. "Aren't you scared?" Noah was kind of scared now.

RE: Always the bigger fish - Anthony Rowe - 02-02-2020

"Not really," Anthony shrugged. He was definitely a bit scared, but really, who wouldn't be? "I mean, I've gotten stabbed plenty of times before."