By Wit & Whitby
[Complete] [CW] Never gets any easier [Harbor, Beach, and Sea] - Printable Version

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RE: Never gets any easier - John Blacke - 02-06-2023

It wasn't long before the waitress had been done taking their order and returned with thier drinks. John took a swig from his pint before placing it back on the table. "God that hits differently than the Indian garbage I've been accustomed to the last 5 years, that's nice that is"

John wasn't far behind her. He slipped off his jacket revealing an army issue grey back collarless shirt. The sleeves were rolled up in short sleeve order and his injury could be seen on his arm along with the traditional indian tattoo on his lower arm. He laughed "don't worry about it. I gathered you might be" John shook his head "no thanks pippa"

He crossed his arms and leaned on the table closer to her "its been so long since I had british food. It took me ages to decide what I wanted"

RE: Never gets any easier - Philippa Danes - 02-06-2023

"I have become fond of some of it, but it is different in America as well," she said softly between bites. She forgot about time with him, forgot that someone else was probably wondering about where she was. It was pretty easy to do with him. Pippa ate another bite of cheese and then took a swig of water. She was eating heartily at the moment, though her manners allowed her to do it daintily.

RE: Never gets any easier - John Blacke - 02-06-2023

John nodded "thats why I've been great full to the army as I've been able to try food from places you wouldn't be able to otherwise. Indian, Nepalese, Maltese, Egyptian, etc. We also had a few scottish lads who would be sent stuff from home that they would cook for us, including haggis"

He tilted his head "maybe one day we will visit America. Who knows" he took another drink from his pint before asking the waitress for another even though he had more than half left of his current

RE: Never gets any easier - Philippa Danes - 02-06-2023

She smiled as he spoke, but then he mentioned a visit to America and she looked away. She couldn't afford to go back, and not just money wise. Going back would only shatter her once more, she thought. It'd been almost a year since their deaths, the wound had only just started to scab up. "Perhaps," she said eventually, though her voice was thick and she had stopped eating the bread and cheese. She held such, poised in the air as she tried not to picture the last time she was actually home. She set her food down and lapsed into silence.

RE: Never gets any easier - John Blacke - 02-06-2023

John instantly held his hands up "I meant to cause you no offence or upset ma'am I'm sorry" he genuinely hadn't meant to cause her any upset. He only said it as part of the conversation and now felt like a twat for saying it.

He took a drink from his pint once more. The ale was nice. It was going down a treat better than some of the distilled paraffin or whatever it was they were drinking in India. The more he spoke with Pippa the more he wanted her around. He liked her company, she was easy to chat to and he felt comfortable around her. "Your an incredibly beautiful woman" he remarked

RE: Never gets any easier - Philippa Danes - 02-06-2023

"You didn't offend me," she said softly in startlement as she lifted her eyes. Instead of anger, it'd be easy to see the sadness there. "I... just do not think I can go back." She then took a drink of the lemonade she had ordered, and then her cheeks went red when he complimented her. "Thank you, but I am not the least bit," she chuckled. "You aren't so bad yourself though."

She set her cup down and then nibbled some more on the cheese and bread, though now she was in less of a hurry since her mood had grown more somber, understandably so. She took a few, deep breaths after a few bites, trying to discern what to say.

Her words were lost until she had a sudden thought, "I shouldn't tarry too long here, I am sure Dr. Wells is wondering where I am. How about you walk me home after we eat? I would love to stay longer, you are very easy to talk to and I feel like it'd be lovely to have more time tonight."

RE: Never gets any easier - John Blacke - 02-07-2023

John nodded. I "I completely understand and I understand that there's trauma liked to the memory aswell." He smiled and said "well I think you are. And I'll be the one laying next to you every evening"

John nodded "id be more than happy to walk you home. Then arrange to see each other again. And spend more time together"

He had hoped she'd spend the night with him. Realise that he meant her no harm and that she was safe with him. After all. She was about to become his wife

RE: Never gets any easier - Philippa Danes - 02-08-2023

It wasn't so much about not feeling comfortable with the man, she wanted to go home out of respect for Tristan. He was family to her now. She was already pregnant, she could lay with the man if she wanted to, perhaps, without reprocussions happening other than to her heart. She looked down at her hands, and she didn't speak for a long time, particularly because their orders were brought and drinks refilled. When they were left alone, she looked up at him and said, "I will talk to Dr. Wells in the morning concerning you meeting him, and I will send you word by noon, and we can discuss our future plans."

She wanted to be at least somewhat proper. The meal they shared wasn't, nor had her walk been, but she was trying and failing to find the father of her child, and she was accepting that he was no longer a part of her life, nor would he probably ever meet the child. "To be fair," she said out loud, "I shouldn't even be eating supper with you alone. But at the same time, I did need to at least learn a few things about you so you aren't a complete stranger... After all, this is a rather large event we are about to share, particularly because we've only known each other for mere hours." She smiled. "I am firm in my choice and I think he will see that you are kind and not feel as though he could not keep me safe. I am in his household and he is a good person. He took me in when I had nowhere to go, paid me a wage despite me not knowing a lick about cooking, and he did not can me after it became apparent as to what had transpired. He has a rule that I broke, and then I lied about it for weeks. I... did not mean to do what I did, it happened in my grief." She paused and eyed the Yorkshire pudding, then she took a morsel of pastry and dipped it in gravy, then speared a piece of beef before daintily nibbling. Mmm, she thought, must get the recipe.

She did something she once saw her mother do, thinking it would be a good bonding experience... she offered to feed him a bite of her food, all three things together, holding her hand under it to catch any gravy before it could hit the table, "This is just wonderful," she said, after savoring that bite she'd taken.

RE: Never gets any easier - John Blacke - 02-08-2023

John shook his head "no thanks pippa I tend to try and avoid roasts if I can. Not a fan of roasted meat" he continued to eat before speaking "thats respectable and I completely understand where you are coming from. The army put a roof over my head and gave me a job & food etc when I left whitby so I can understand your predicament. I will respect that"

He continued to speak after more mouthfuls of drink and food "I will be around tomorrow. I'm going to have a look at property and see if anything meets my needs for the future"

RE: Never gets any easier - Philippa Danes - 02-10-2023

She looked at him, a flash of disappointment in her gaze but she averted it before it was too evident. She'd get the recipe on her own then, somehow. In the meantime, she nibbled on the food until she was satisfied, which was about half the plate and she would save the other half for later, perhaps. She set her fork down and then nodded at him when he spoke of his plans. "That sounds like a good plan. I will talk to Dr. Wells tonight or tomorrow morning about the situation before you meet."

She smiled then and tucked some hair behind her ears that had fallen out of the long braid she wore.