By Wit & Whitby
[Complete] [CW] Beryl Silver Presenting [Market, Shops, and Spas] - Printable Version

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RE: Beryl Silver Presenting - Ruth Longbottom - 01-07-2023

"I'm trying," she answered. "So I need to avoid boring conversation. Tell me what happened to your leg."

RE: Beryl Silver Presenting - Menachem Meijer - 01-07-2023

Menachem was about to reply when she asked about his leg. He straightened his pose. "It got badly broken in a nasty fall."

RE: Beryl Silver Presenting - Ruth Longbottom - 01-08-2023

Ruth leaned in a little. "What happened?" she insisted.

RE: Beryl Silver Presenting - Menachem Meijer - 01-08-2023

A sigh escaped him and he turned from her more, to focus outside. "I don't know what you're thinking. It's as I said, I fell, I was trapped for days. A wonderful but troubled woman saved me. It took a little time before I could even stand on it, but I'm making a fast recovery." And with a little more money, he wouldn't have to be using his brother's generosity in letting him stay and help out a little at their farm.

RE: Beryl Silver Presenting - Ruth Longbottom - 01-08-2023

"I wasn't thinkin' owt," she replied. "A wonderful but troubled woman," she laughed. "How dramatic."

RE: Beryl Silver Presenting - Menachem Meijer - 01-08-2023

The man folded his arms. "You seem like the type who live for the dramatic."

RE: Beryl Silver Presenting - Ruth Longbottom - 01-08-2023

"Do I?" She raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "Not at all. Its the people around me who love drama."

RE: Beryl Silver Presenting - Menachem Meijer - 01-08-2023

This was his cue to look at her with a grin. "And you just happen to provide it?"

RE: Beryl Silver Presenting - Ruth Longbottom - 01-08-2023

Ruth smiled sweetly. "Only to those who ask for it, Menachem."

RE: Beryl Silver Presenting - Menachem Meijer - 01-08-2023

Menachem laughed, "who would?"