By Wit & Whitby
[Complete] [CW] The day after [Streets, Yards, and Homes] - Printable Version

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RE: The day after - Abraham Ward - 02-01-2020

"Well... I'd arrest them for a little while, so they learn from it!" And he would feel powerful.

RE: The day after - Elijah Crane - 02-01-2020

Elijah shrugged. "That can work. Sometimes I've arrested people so they could realize the severity of what they'd done.'

RE: The day after - Abraham Ward - 02-01-2020

Bram nodded. "I'll teach a lot of people..."

RE: The day after - Elijah Crane - 02-01-2020

Elijah smiled softly. "Don't be too harsh, after all when they aren't in jail they are still the public around you. You never know when you might need someone's help. Like when I was looking for Alice."

RE: The day after - Abraham Ward - 02-01-2020

Bram looked at him with open mouth. "Were you helped by criminals?"

RE: The day after - Elijah Crane - 02-01-2020

Elijah shook his head. "No, but I didn't have to ask any this time. I might another time. You never know who you might need to speak to."

RE: The day after - Abraham Ward - 02-01-2020

"I would force them to help me, since I would be constable. They would have to."

RE: The day after - Elijah Crane - 02-01-2020

Elijah rose his brow. "Oh? And how do you think you'd do that?"

RE: The day after - Abraham Ward - 02-01-2020

"I'd arrest them if they wouldn't help." Bram said, as if that was the most obvious thing in the world.

RE: The day after - Elijah Crane - 02-01-2020

Elijah tilted his head. "But you can't. Not telling someone isn't illegal.."