By Wit & Whitby
[Complete] [CW] Come Face the Music - Printable Version

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RE: Come Face the Music - Rose Willaby - 10-13-2019

Rose looked at him confused, and then breathed a big sigh of relief. "Father said..." And had already disowned Simon. "They lied..." She suddenly said. "Whoever it was, they lied."

RE: Come Face the Music - Elijah Crane - 10-13-2019

Elijah frowned. "Then why won't he tell me that? Why won't he tell me what really happened? And why would a stranger lie? If they did it, Simon isn't saying anything. What reason is there to get Ben in trouble ?"

RE: Come Face the Music - Rose Willaby - 10-13-2019

Rose turned red. She felt tears burn, but managed to keep them in. "Maybe they dislike him? I don't know. Please, Elijah. Nowt 'appened. Just let 'im go."

RE: Come Face the Music - Elijah Crane - 10-13-2019

Elijah frowned and sighed. He touched her shoulder, "I can't do that. You know I try my hardest to be fair and just. I need to take this report. You know I'll try to protect Ben. I would never want anything to happen to him and you guys need him."

RE: Come Face the Music - Rose Willaby - 10-13-2019

Rose pressed her lips together to keep them from trembling. Then she looked down and nodded. "Can I just talk to father again...?" She asked in a quiet, shaky voice.

RE: Come Face the Music - Elijah Crane - 10-13-2019

Elijah nodded. "Of course. He isn't going to be taken far away or anything..."

RE: Come Face the Music - Rose Willaby - 10-13-2019

Rose returned to the room where her father was, closing the door behind her, to tell him Simon hadn't grassed on him. Perhaps they could portray whoever had turned him in as a liar.

But if Elijah was waiting outside, he would hear Ben shout at her: "I don't tell lies, Rose! Ye tell that miserable excuse for a constable to get back in here and I'll give 'im 'is bloody report!"

Rose came out, looking even more pale and shaken. "He wants to talk..." she barely more than whispered. "Can I use the toilet house?" She needed to be alone and cry.

RE: Come Face the Music - Elijah Crane - 10-13-2019

The yelling made him frown and he rubbed his cheek. When she came out, he nodded and gently guided her to it. "Take your time."

He walked in and stared at Ben. " Are you ready to do this then ?"

RE: Come Face the Music - Benjamin Ward - 10-13-2019

Rose broke down as soon as she was inside.

Ben sat back with folded arms and glared when Elijah walked in. "Aye, but you'll 'ave to write it down for me, because we ain't all made it to constable o' Whitby." he said with disgust. Where there used to be warmth and joy in his voice when he addressed Elijah, it was now all gone.

RE: Come Face the Music - Elijah Crane - 10-13-2019

Elijah sat with a pen. "I suppose so. Funny how my listening to both sides and being fair to everyone only works when you're not the one being questioned. I suppose you'd rather I be a corrupt one? Play favourites? Let you and anyone who can pay me some hidden fee just walk away? Is that it? Because I can't claim to be fair then suddenly start making exceptions. The hardest people to take in are those you care about. But.. I suppose you can't see it that way."

He frowned at him and held the pen to the paper. "You can begin."