By Wit & Whitby
[Complete] [CW] Come Face the Music - Printable Version

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RE: Come Face the Music - Rose Willaby - 10-04-2019

Rose looked shaken. "But... you'll let 'im go, won't you?"

RE: Come Face the Music - Elijah Crane - 10-04-2019

Elijah sighed. "There isn't much to hold him on even if I wanted to. But i need to get the report in and show that he's been here and warned. I could make him spend the night but that isn't good for any of you. He will have this on his record though, so if he is brought in again on similar crimes he could be stuck here much longer and truly go to trial. Simon hasn't needed medical help for his injuries so they aren't severe but enough to be observed. You need to talk some sense into him though so we don't sit here all night just staring at each other.'

RE: Come Face the Music - Rose Willaby - 10-04-2019

Rose listened, heart beating in her throat. She hated it when father beat Simon, but she hadn't known it was a crime. It didn't matter. She did not want to see him held in custody. "Let me talk to him, please.

RE: Come Face the Music - Elijah Crane - 10-04-2019

Elijah held out his arm, "Feel free. Want me to give you privacy?" He was certain Rose wouldn't be so crazy to try to sneak him out.

RE: Come Face the Music - Rose Willaby - 10-05-2019

Rose nodded slowly.

RE: Come Face the Music - Elijah Crane - 10-13-2019

Elijah moved to let them have a moment but stayed just outside the door.

RE: Come Face the Music - Rose Willaby - 10-13-2019

Quite soon after, Rose came back out. "He's willing to talk..." But she bit her lip and still blocked the door. "Where is Simon?"

RE: Come Face the Music - Elijah Crane - 10-13-2019

Elijah looked confused. "Good, and.. I don't know where he is. He isn't here..."

RE: Come Face the Music - Rose Willaby - 10-13-2019

"Ye don't know where he went? Oh, Elijah, what possessed 'im?"

RE: Come Face the Music - Elijah Crane - 10-13-2019

Elijah looked at her confused. "What? Wait.. He isn't the one who made the report, Rose. It was someone else. Must have been a..a.. friend of his."