By Wit & Whitby
[Complete] Who Goes There? - Printable Version

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RE: Who Goes There? - Darius Carrington - 09-16-2019

Darius happened to be leaving said house when he noticed a very familiar face. A grin came upon his face as he saw him, hands in his pockets. "Lost? I believe you don't belong around here, right? Or are you going somewhere?"

RE: Who Goes There? - Jack - 09-17-2019

Oh great. Twit was back. "With all due respect, ser," he had none for the young man, "taking a walk is hardly som't I'd have to answer for."

RE: Who Goes There? - Darius Carrington - 09-17-2019

Darius rose a brow then shrugged. "Fine." He started to walk along side him.

RE: Who Goes There? - Jack - 09-17-2019

Simon frowned. What a nuisance. "What exactly is yer problem?"

RE: Who Goes There? - Darius Carrington - 09-17-2019

Darius smiled and put his hands in his pockets. "What makes you think I have a problem?"

RE: Who Goes There? - Jack - 09-17-2019

Simon stopped. He didn't want to show up late. Hurley might pay less. And he had to be home on time so father wouldn't ask questions. But this guy was a real pain. "What do you want?"

RE: Who Goes There? - Darius Carrington - 09-17-2019

Darius smiled more. "I don't know what you're talking about..."

RE: Who Goes There? - Jack - 09-17-2019

Simon rolled his eyes and started walking again. Hurley could deal with this.

RE: Who Goes There? - Darius Carrington - 09-17-2019

Darius hummed as he walked cheerfully.

RE: Who Goes There? - Jack - 09-17-2019

Simon entered Hurley's garden.