By Wit & Whitby
[Complete] Getting Along Without Words [Churches, Abbey, and Schools] - Printable Version

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RE: Getting Along Without Words - Francis Tully - 03-27-2022

Francis grinned, looking delighted at Cheri's response and grabbed their hand so they wouldn't fall from laughing, to offer support. He tilted his head at the question and thought to make sure he understood. He grinned and shrugged. He grabbed some rolls and glanced around the kitchen until he found some cheese. He looked delighted and put them on the table for him and the other to share. "You know.." he said looking to Cheri. "You probably will learn english eventually." He was sure Cheri would make friends, pretty faces tended to. "Maybe you should me French." He gestured from his mouth talking, then to theirs.

RE: Getting Along Without Words - Chéri - 03-30-2022

Chéri used Francis’s grip to steady themselves, barely managing. They fixed their clothes a little then started to look around, looking for food. They found the cheese faster than they could say “priest”. Chéri wasn’t sure what Francis had said, but based on their guess, they shrugged and went “Chéri English” in the sense of “if it’s necessary” judging from how they moved. Then they squinted. When an Englishman said the word “French” without inquiring about Chéri’s origin, he generally meant something lewd. But this didn’t seem to be Francis intention. Chéri made the mouth gesture, making it particularly chatter-y, with his hand and asked “French?” Taking a hopeful guess.

RE: Getting Along Without Words - Francis Tully - 03-30-2022

Francis noticed Cheri find the cheese and smiled pulling out some bread and he started to make tea. Might as well do it right, he was hopeful Higgins would be gone for a while. As the kettle started to brew, he looked over and tilted his head. He wasn't completely sure what they meant so he tried to make it clearer. "English.."He gestured to his mouth talking then pointed to Cheri's mouth. "French." He used the hand that was pointing to move in the air like a bird towards his own mouth and started opening it like he was talking and said, "French" again, pointing at himself.

RE: Getting Along Without Words - Chéri - 04-02-2022

For the potential return of Mrs Higgins, Chéri was already imagining a potential reaction. After all, they were used to having to take things that officially didn’t or only half belonged to them. Chéri nodded. They pointed at Francis and repeated the French terms for “English” and “French.” They then did a gesture with their hand, inviting Francis to go on. What else was did he want to learn?

In the mean time, they very elegantly arranged the table, so that they could consume their food properly, while Francis made tea. Chéri was still getting used to the drink but, like all the food, they considered it a blessing, however it came.

RE: Getting Along Without Words - Francis Tully - 04-02-2022

Francis wondered briefly if this was as it sounded. He decided to test what Chéri was hinting at, thus placed a hand on the table and spoke to his new, maybe only, friend. "Table."

He managed to find some lemon and smiled huge taking the entire thing to slice up and watched the other set the table. The taller man walked over to watch curiously. It hadn't been that long of a time since he'd set a table thanks to being here, but the other did it far more complicated than the priests had.

RE: Getting Along Without Words - Chéri - 04-02-2022

Chéri repeated the word in French, nodding with their head. They looked at Francis with a meaningful look. Was that really what he wanted to learn? Were things like “Cocksucker” or “Fuck you” not more urgent terms to include in one’s vocabulary?

Chéri was just trying to pamper them both. Chéri hadn’t been a “proper” stray in a really long time, but they still very much felt constantly on the brink of precipice, so they had learnt to take the very best out of anything they were given in life. And if they could have a fancy lunch with a new friend, they were going to.

RE: Getting Along Without Words - Francis Tully - 04-02-2022

Francis repeated the word a few times, trying to say it accurately but then stared at Cheri. He had a feeling they wanted him to say or do something. He had no clue. Finally he gestured for Cheri to say a word so he could say the english one for. If he knew what Cheri was saying.

When the table was set, Francis wanted to correct Cheri that there were too many forks and spoons, but he had seen fancy people eat at a distance. This seemed to make sense. He set out their simple food he'd managed to scavenge and gave a grin as he pulled out a chair for Cheri like a real gentleman.

RE: Getting Along Without Words - Chéri - 04-06-2022

Chéri themselves did not have exactly the most desirable accent, but they weren’t going to say and anyway, when it came out of their mouth no one had ever complained. As a Romance language speaker, Chéri had questions about modal verbs -not that they knew what they were-, since they had already learnt a language and found it the most useful, but that wasn’t going to be easier to translate. So they did a different things. They smiled and indicated the gesture with a hand, then repeated the French verb for “simile”.

Chéri, who didn’t want to let Francis down, sat like a real lady and devoured the food like the indigent they barely weren’t anymore. They seemd very satisfied, when another word came to them: indicating the food they said “food” and bit. To eat was what they were looking for.

RE: Getting Along Without Words - Francis Tully - 04-06-2022

Francis watched with his head cooking to the side like a curious sparrow before he oh'd. He pointed to his mouth then smiled huge. "Smile!" He said and then repeated their word.

It didn't take much thinking for him to not and said "eat" towards them before looking up hoping that he'd done the word justice.

RE: Getting Along Without Words - Chéri - 04-06-2022

Chéri pointed the finger. That! They had actually heard the term before but weren’t sure at all they could repeat it. Chéri nodded, then turned to Francis. Was there more he wanted to learn?

“Francis Whitby?” Chéri asked. In the meantime, Chéri could try to lear a little more about Francis. “Francis England?” They added, trying to make clearer what they were trying to ask. They had already taken for granted Francis was English, to be honest. After all, he spoke English.