By Wit & Whitby
[Complete] [CW] Bring on the men - Printable Version

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RE: Bring on the men - Jack - 07-23-2019

Simon smiled awkwardly. He joked a lot with friends and other fishing folk, but coming from a gentleman, it seemed weird. "Aye, ser, please do..." he said uneasily, and he walked along. "So here's the harbour." he said, vaguely gesturing at what was half of Whitby.

RE: Bring on the men - Zechariah Meijer - 07-23-2019

There was still faint color to his cheeks, and Zechariah let himself drift back to arms’ length.

“Ah,” he acknowledged, putting on a face of absolute apathy polite appreciation. “Beautiful.”

A loud frog let out a belch-like ribbit.

RE: Bring on the men - Jack - 07-24-2019

It was clear Zech wasn't interested in the tour, which was good, because Simon was not very interested in giving it. He jumped a little at the sound of the frog and then looked around, finally finding the creature on one of the wooden boards that led to the boats. He stepped down on it. "Look at that. They dont come this far downstream usually." Simon crouched down and with a very swift movement of the hands, caught the creature. He rose and stepped back unto the road. "Must be lost." He opened the upper hand slightly for Zech to see.

RE: Bring on the men - Zechariah Meijer - 07-24-2019

Zechariah made a face, but he managed to keep from cringing back. He cast a mildly suspicious glance toward Simon, then leaned forward to squint at it.

“Maybe it just got... caught upstream,” he glanced pointedly at Simon.

RE: Bring on the men - Jack - 07-24-2019

"Aye... well, I aint taking it all the way back, so unless you want to keep it as a pet, ser...?" he smirked a little and then put it back down.

RE: Bring on the men - Zechariah Meijer - 07-24-2019

He laughed, visibly relaxing once the frog was back to whatever trouble it had been getting into.

“Hardly. You had me half convinced you were out here kissing frogs.”

RE: Bring on the men - Jack - 07-24-2019

Well he didn't exactly kiss Hurley, but other than that, Zech wasn't that far off the mark. "Hoping it would turn into a prince...?" His eyes rested on Zech.

RE: Bring on the men - Zechariah Meijer - 07-24-2019

Prince. Not princess. Prince.

He met his gaze from the corner of his eyes first, then turned and stepped toe to toe. He brought his hand up to cup Simon’s cheek, tilting his head back to be able to keep his gaze.

“Careful. I might turn back.”

RE: Bring on the men - Jack - 07-24-2019

Simon stepped back when Zech cupped his cheek and gave him a look of horror, before quickly looking around to see if anyone had seen them. There were plenty of people out and about, but most seemed to mind their own bussiness. An elderly man from a few yards down was sitting a little further along the harbour and was watching them. "I'm sorry, Mr. Meijer... Ye started me, ser. 's all." He did not meet Zech's eye and sounded cautious. He glanced at the old man again.

RE: Bring on the men - Zechariah Meijer - 07-24-2019

One waistcoat button undone, up in this touch-and-go young man’s space – it was a belated teenaged rebellion to merely smile at the watching old man.

“I am not from around here,” Zechariah excused, and only then did his hand drop back to his side.

The coy smile suggested wherever Prague was, kissing was not in fact the greeting.