By Wit & Whitby
[Complete] [CW] Tying up loss ends [Doctors, Constabulary, and Court] - Printable Version

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RE: Tying up loss ends - Francis Tully - 06-22-2022

Francis was quiet for a moment and seemed to be in thought and then rubbed the back of his neck as he noticed he was being watched so carefully. He chuckled, "you're watching me so much, see something you like?" The man laughed a little. "Please, I'm kidding. Don't lock me up for a comment, all you'll do is waste money on giving me free food and shelter. I'm already suffering."

The other constable called out his name sharply, and she shrugged holding up his hands innocently towards Elijah. "I'm joking! Seriously, you all should get a sense of humor." He started to scratch at his head again. "I think, maybe.. I know something. Was she like.. brown hair? Green eyes? Like yay tall." He held up his hand. "Kind of not all that comely?" When the other nodded he clasped his hands together. "I do know something. She had gone to an agency. Seems they've lost a couple of girls. Not great at keeping track on their books though, that place. Maybe that's why they are so popular. Cheap help is so disposable." He shrugged.

RE: Tying up loss ends - Alasdair Maclellan - 06-23-2022

Alasdair wasn't sure what to make of the information. He looked at Tully "im a fair man, I'm willing to pay for good information but I also don't take kindly if people are giving me false information. Play the game and you will walk away with some coin. Dont play the game and I bring one of my constables round who has a thing for using force. Either way I get the information I need" he looked at Elijah and then back at Tully. "This a one trick pony. We are tying up lose ends with cases so there will be no repeat visits. You choose" He thought for a moment. "I'm still new to this beat but I know My constable here has been here for a while and knows alot about the goings on"

He thought for a moment as he waited on Tully to reply. If he was laying to him the next Constable he would be meeting is Francis Cockburn who he knew would get into information

RE: Tying up loss ends - Francis Tully - 06-23-2022

The lighter haired man stuck up his chin and placed a hand on his chest dramatically. "I'm insulted. Do you think you'd be here if I gave bad information? It may Bea dead end, but I didn't lie. It's just a misstep somewhere in the clues." He waved a hand dismissively.

"And you say it's a one truck pony. As if crime will stop because the place finally has someone good in charge. Try me and be amazed. I hear a lot and pick up a lot." He smiled brightly. "I gave you some information. Follow it up, consider it a gift. And come back when you're satisfied I'm not messing with you?"

RE: Tying up loss ends - Alasdair Maclellan - 06-23-2022

Alasdair nodded "then that's fine by me" he said as he handed money to Tully for his troubles. He walked away and started walking down the street towards the information. He looked to Elijah "what you make of that?"

He walked along via a street vender and got some fresh coffee and handed a cup to elijah. "Where should we go next?"

He continued to think ahead about the information he had been given. Elijah knew alot about this town and knew he would lead him places. He stood and sipped on the coffee as he took in the view

RE: Tying up loss ends - Elijah Crane - 06-23-2022

Francis had crowed like a rooster, he'd been so happy with the money he had skipped off literally. Elijah shook his head and followed close to Alasdair's side. "Well, I mean.. He wasn't totally honest. He has given bad information and lied. But usually because someone broke a deal or something. We should still be wary that the information is useless. She might have been there, but it doesn't mean it's what caused her end."

He stopped and smiled a little when he was handed the warm beverage and thanked him for the coffee. Elijah lifted his head to look at the horizon. "We can ask around more? Or go to the place he suggested? " He tilted his head. "Or, we can ask around people who commonly hang around or live near where the bodies were found? It might be useful but its just a possible shot."

RE: Tying up loss ends - Alasdair Maclellan - 06-23-2022

Alasdair leaned back against the wall and sighed "most of the information was useless but its broken the ice with him and given us leverage" he winked "more than one way to skin a cat" he laughed "next time it won't be so friendly, told you if its totally useless Francis can speak with him" he joked.

He stirred his coffee and looked at Elijah "can't be arsed with this bollocks but we have to do it to close these cases. Otherwise this new bloody inspector will be looking at anything to punish us. We will start by going to the area where the bodies were found and see if that turns up any leads" he looked at Elijah "I know about the articles with you aswell, don't worry about anything like that with me. I judge you on you. Not what is published and your not the only one that has been dragged through the papers. Jamie has aswell for an incident in Strathclyde"

RE: Tying up loss ends - Elijah Crane - 06-23-2022

"Francis speaking to Francis?" Elijah said with a small smile, though secretly he was bothered by it. If someone gave them bad information, he wasn't sure using violence settled well inside. He felt like he knew better though, so he hoped the information was good.

The man was about to say something, but then he mentioned the articles. His face fell and he looked away with a tight frown. He sipped his coffee and winced at the bitterness, it could use some milk. He took a deep breath. "I know. It's all in my head to still be bothered by all of it, but I do feel like I have to prove myself."

He then oh'd, he'd have snapped his fingers but gloves. "I forgot. We could also talk to Aslan, he's a brilliant detective. He's closed a few cases around."

RE: Tying up loss ends - Alasdair Maclellan - 07-11-2022

Alasdair nodded "your a great constable Elijah. Your what this force needs and I don't just mean in whitby u mean the whole program of constables regardless of force. The modern force will change and it will be alot more hearts and minds"

He took a sip from his coffee "you are the future of the force the way I see it. Everyone has a role to play in the force. For example. The new inspector will be the firm hand of the law. A bit ruthless but he will be what we need. Constable Cockburn is your muscle. A little bit hot under the collar but you can use her in a situation to clear space. Jamie has the two dogs. Those are also your muscle. That's your crowd control and peace keeping" he took another sip from his coffee "you on the other hand. Have a brain in your head and a heart in your chest. Your what the future is. Hearts and minds. Not police brutality"

He turned to look at Elijah "so you see regardless of what those articles say. Ill take you and everyone else on my team at face value. Youve nothing to prove. Ill use your skillset in the right environment like everyone else" he raised his and in a gesture "after you, ill follow your lead"

RE: Tying up loss ends - Elijah Crane - 07-13-2022

Elijah was nodding but stopped and stared at the sergeant. He sipped his coffee and his expression was mostly blank but a small frown appeared. Finally he looked away and put a hand over his mouth. He hung his head. "Sorry..' He managed to mutter. "It's just.. the nicest thing I ever heard about how I did my job. I've always heard the opposite and sometimes it makes it hard to come into work. Thank you sir, I .. I really mean that." He wasn't crying, the coffee was just so hot it made him tear up even as he kept drinking.

RE: Tying up loss ends - Alasdair Maclellan - 07-14-2022

Alasdair looked at Elijah. "This Constabulary, the whole policing system will change and alot of the dinosaurs aren't gonna accept change. The future of this whole thing is people like you who have a heart in their chest and a brain in their head"

He continued with another drink of his coffee before continuing "it doesn't matter what we do. We will receive flak for it its part of the job. Do not let those articles get to you. Jamie had exactly the same in Strathclyde and if their is heat on you. We move you around and let it die down." He finished his coffee before throwing the cup in the bin.

He straightened himself up and continued "no need to thank me. I want this whole Constabulary to be the best in the area and that includes you and everyone on the team. Your a good lad and you will to far if you play your cards right"