By Wit & Whitby
[Complete] [CW] A fishy business - Printable Version

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RE: A fishy business - Elijah Crane - 09-08-2019

Elijah shook his head and looked Simon in the eye. "Don't say you're sorry. You don't need to. I am not unhappy. I am hopeful.. for you."

RE: A fishy business - Jack - 09-08-2019

Simon nodded quietly and sat down.

RE: A fishy business - Elijah Crane - 09-08-2019

Elijah put down the food for him and sat across him, quietly eating and sipping his tea. "I hope things go well today for you. I am sorry it couldn't be easier."

RE: A fishy business - Jack - 09-08-2019

Simon looked down and poked into his porridge with his spoon. "It's me own fault. I'll take it like a man. I'm sorry I troubled you, in the first place."

RE: A fishy business - Elijah Crane - 09-08-2019

Elijah laughed softly. "Please Simon. Trouble me, I don't mind. My life is to help people, and I feel you need it more than most. It is why I was put on this Earth."

RE: A fishy business - Jack - 09-08-2019

Simon looked up and for the first time felt something he had not felt before, despite his attempts to get into Elijah's pants last night: compassion, genuine affection; and then shame, that he was not more like this. And some hope, that maybe he could be. "You're a good person, Elijah, and we're lucky to have you..."

RE: A fishy business - Elijah Crane - 09-08-2019

Elijah smiled and patted his arm lightly before returning to his own food. " I would not be this way if it were not for people like you and your family. You have all helped me be a better person and I would do almost anything to make it up to you guys."

RE: A fishy business - Jack - 09-08-2019

Simon nodded. He personally hadn't done much to contribute. He had been a boy for most of the time that he had known Elijah. But father had treated Elijah almost like a son after his parents died. Reluctantly, Simon started eating his porridge. When he was done, he took his bowl to the sink and washed it.

RE: A fishy business - Elijah Crane - 09-08-2019

Elijah came up to wash his own bowl then looked to him. "I will walk you to the boat, alright? And you try to not let Ben or anyone else bother you too much. I know you haven't been the most reliable, but I believe you are trying.'

RE: A fishy business - Jack - 09-08-2019

"You needn't do that..." he said. I'll be alright. More alright if he wouldn't be humiliated in front of Elijah.