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Thread Review (Newest First)
Posted by - 03-19-2024, 11:42 AM
[Image: vRfByKe6_o.png]
salvētē, omnēs! bēnē venistis Rōmae!
Hello, all! Welcome to Rome!
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Welcome to Rome! It's 76AD, the emperor Tiberius Claudius Britannicus has ruled for twelve years over an empire that stretches from Hispania in the west to Judea in the east, from the misty shores of Britannia in the north to the scorching desert sands of Africa Proconsularis in the south.

At the heart of the empire lies Rome, a multicultural melting pot where people of all nations and languages and levels of society come together, some by choice and some by force. From the pristine purple-striped togas of the Senators to the seedy underbelly that nobody wants to tangle with, Rome is a vibrant city with plenty to offer for people of all walks of life.

The Empire is at peace... Yet despite the apparent content, there are stirrings of uneasiness. There have been reports of incursions along the north-eastern border with the tribes-people of Germania and Sarmatia.

The community at MNU is friendly and welcoming and you don't have to know the period to join - we're happy to answer questions.

Jcink Premium
No word count
Relaxed posting style
Friendly and welcoming member base
Dark and light skin options
Three monthly roll-call style A/C

First post NOT a link-back, the [LB] got included by mistake! Sorry about that.
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