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Posted by - 11-05-2023, 06:28 PM
The Evanuris are real.

That’s the first thing anybody that’s met them would tell you. This is especially mind-boggling to the Dalish when they learn that the Dread Wolf is… a nice guy. Those who have met him might tell you that he’s a little off; but then he’s a wolf spirit who was deitified by the People.

He gets to be a little off.

It should come as no surprise that Elgar’nan wants power. His history with Mythal and her guard, protector, and lover is not a good one. And people with power hold the longest grudges.

A war is brewing between the two sides—The Sylvas stand for the freedoms of the People and work with Arlathan. The Eth stands for the recreation of what was lost.

Will you be enslaved to Elgar’nan’s cause or will you be the one that stops him?

If history’s repeating itself, perhaps we should revisit the history books.

Learn all you can, weary souls, before it’s too late.

The Evanuris will return.
Posted by - 09-10-2022, 03:31 PM
The year is 9:48 Dragon, and the world is once again shaken by both natural and the unnatural forces. There's a lot in play, ever since Fen'Harel removed the Veil from its place between the worlds, losing his own life in the process. Thedas is reverting to a similar nature as the one the Evanuris knew, the Thedas that the Dalish tell stories about. Whether that is a good thing or not, is yet to be seen.

The Kingdoms of Thedas are each suffering in their own way, and the Chantry's reputation is decreasing with each passing day. With two Blights upon the horizons, and nobody to band the kingdoms together, or stand against the demons spilling forth from the Fade, life in Thedas is precarious. There are alliances forming and breaking everyday.

Will the demons take you out, or the darkspawn?
Has the Fade affected you?
Life is changing fast, it's time to find out where you stand...

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