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Posted by BlackAck - 05-31-2023, 12:49 PM
[Image: 6TDuOe.jpeg]

The Year is 1854, the setting: London.  The social season is well underway as the rich and the powerful waltz and gossip in dazzling ballrooms. Debutants seek to be noticed, while older noblewomen seek distraction from rigid expectation or to solidify their family’s position. Well-heeled gentlemen run the country from the comfort of their armchairs.. Far from the glamour, the poor in the gutter are just trying to survive. Thieves, trades men, domestic servants, all just trying to make it to their next meal. Over all of this, the dark spectre of the Crimean war grows ever larger….

Absinthe is an 18+ realistic historical JCINK forum set in London, 1854 at the height of the Victorian era. Established in 2018, we welcome and encourage well-thought-out writing and immersive plots. Absinthe is LGBTQIA+, Newcomer, & Internationally Friendly with automated codes for everything. Absinthe is Userway and Scriptly Enabled and has light/dark skin for easy viewing. 

Come check us out at: https://absinthe.jcink.net
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